THANK YOU - visitors, colleagues, exhibitors, clients, neighbours...
5 FEBRUARY – 20 MARCH 2021

Exhibition of new pieces in earthenware - experimental project. Bodil Manz belongs to the international elite of ceramic artists represented in major museums and private collections worldwide.
Her work is characterized by a continual exploration and experimental activity, that among many other projects have resulted in wall installations, sand-cast porcelain pieces and architectural sculptures.

Lea Mi Engholm & Vinni Hedegaard Frederiksen DK
A memory of looking into the ground. In clay from the Danish subsoil, extremes are searched in a ceramic process. Impurities are maintained and exploited.
An aesthetic record of the uncontrollable and forces that are expressed when elements of nature are given space. A perception of the raw basic soil.

Esben Klemann DK
Method-material research of ceramic constructions and their procedural premise. The finished pieces will be made in constructions one can see on the table, experiments of staining clay with stains and simply glazing them with transparent glaze to close surfaces and give them shine. Gravity used offensively as a form tool with the clear traces of the creation process.

MASTERLY - The vessel is in great shape..
Danish Masters: Malene Müllertz, Bente Hansen, Peder Rasmussen, Kim Holm...
Vessels have an almost magical appeal for their essential shape and unique potential in color, decoration and fabric. It is a wonder when such a simple thing can be changed and changed forever. A quite personal story often underlies each Vessel's expression.

Mona Vander og Jette Lövén Dall DK, Mayu Ueda JAPAN
Cultural contrasts, functional associations from a bygone era meet with Japanese Contemporary. The romantic kitschy and often banal innocent expression are brought together and turned upside down. Contrasts of traditional utility and sensitive thought-through come together. Fine delicate plays up to bleak surreal.

Bente Skjøttgaard DK
No one knows the day before the sun goes down.. in deep water. We gladly follow Bente Skjøttgaard on her marvellous journey. Under ground, above ground on clouds of all kinds, or into deep water, where it may be difficult.

Karen Harsbo og Rikke Luther DK
Research project on space and 3D-ceramic print by Karen Harsbo (Ceramic Lab) and Rikke Luther (visual artist / PhD project), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, Copenhagen. It is interdisciplinary artistic research, linked to Si-Fi, military, political, technological development, aerospace industry. A practical research on the notion of the material moon-regolith through 3D printing and earth minerals.

SENSE of Material
Mayu Ueda, Japan and Morten Plesner, Denmark
Tales on materiality from Japan and Denmark, where fired clay and nature materials are included in the works of both artists. Universes of nature fused with clay forms, where materials sensually touch and influence each other in various ways.
8 OCTOBER – 14 NOVEMBER #claydiesselfies
Karen Kjældgård-Larsen and Tine Broksø DK
CLAYDIES celebrates 20 years of collaboration. Claydies has made large ceramic objects and jars that inspire the audience to interact and photograph themselves in and with the works. Visitors are encouraged to share their photo on #claydiesselfies.
Ole Jensen, designer and ceramist DK
Manual Design & Design Manual.. stoneware pieces & thoughts by Ole Jensen.
A humorous and understated, - but also deeply serious approach to archetypes, use function and things for use on the table and in the kitchen.
19 NOVEMBER - 23 DECEMBER .. Showcase
Erik Bendtsen, potter DK
The potter's collection and new inspiration from the pottery offers a rare view into Erik Bendtsen's private collection of Danish earthenware along with some of his own works inspired by the long and lively tradition of mainly Danish pottery.
This showcase is at the same time as the exhibition: Manual Design.
THE EXHIBITION PROGRAM will be updated...