STATE Kristine Tillge Lund DK
2 August – 1 September 2012

"The thought of destruction is present, when one works with the fragile..."
Skagen Hunters - Photo by Laurits Tuxen
Kristine Tillge Lund
The understanding of clay and ceramics as a phenomenon is the predominant theme, Kristine Lund Tillge works with, - her artistic field of interest.

She makes a critical investigation of the material and its social historical context.
Through this subject she comes across very different areas and visual experiences.
For this exhibition she has, in a personal defined project, explored the ceramic material and its fragility viewed from various angles.

She has investigated these various conditions and reactions, and worked in ways of visualizing her research.
Furthermore she has included a balance in value and vulnerability within the hierarchy of the clay types.
Exhibition pieces:
1. Without title – grit construction, porcelain - hight: 2 meters
2. Without title – clay pigeon/clay target, earthenware 'Moler'
Thanks to Tommerup Ceramic Workshop!
Kristine Tillge Lund belongs to a younger Danish elite of contemporary artists, who take part in developing the field of ceramics into a broader perception of contemporary ceramic art.

Mikkel Rahr Mortensen
She studied at the Royal College of Art, London 2006-2008 (MA) and The Royal Danish Academy of Art & Design, Bornholm 1998-2001. She has exhibited in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Italy, France, USA, Belgium, Spain, Holland, Norway and England.

and slide show
In a previous project 'Arcade', Kristine worked with prefabricated white tiles, that are seen in both public spaces and the very private places. She combined some of these situations from everyday life and created an installation of autonomous systems, which at once became detached from the usual form and simultaneously kept a clear reference to it.
(Exhibition: Toves Galleri, Vesterbro Contemporary Work Out Space DK 2012)
About Kristine Tillge Lund
Her studio is in Northwest of Copenhagen. She also works at Tommerup Ceramic Workshop on the island of Funen and actively participates in the exhibition group 'Inhabitants', who in the Spring were highly praised by the Danish TV program “Smagsdommerne” for the exhibition 'Orders' at the Gallery 'Copenhagen Ceramics' April/May 2012.

Selected exhibitions:
'Orders' Inhabitants, Copenhagen Ceramics, Copenhagen 2012 - 'Arcade' Tove's Gallery, Vesterbro Contemporary Work Out Space, Copenhagen 2012 -
'Phoenix Landscapes' 77m3, Aarhus 2011 - 'Deep into the Forest - Inhabitants', Designer Zoo in Copenhagen 2011 - Galerie Contour Ålbæk 2011 - 'Window 107' alt_copenhagen, Factory of Art and Design, Copenhagen 2011 - 'Living with Ceramics' Ampersand House, Brussels, Belgium 2011 - 'The Biennial for Crafts and Design' Koldinghus 2011 - 'Happy Christmas Stocking' Heart Gallery, Brussels, Belgium 2010 - 'Across' New tap, Carlsberg City, Copenhagen, 2010 - 'COM' Cypres Gallerie, Leuven , Belgium, 2010 - 'Camard & Associés' Paris, France 2010 - 'Checking in with the inhabitants' Jantzens Hotel, Gudhjem, 2010 - 'Decade 01' School of Design, Bornholm 2010 - 'Window 107' Istedgade, Copenhagen 2010 - 'Kristine Tillge Lund invites ...' Puls Contemporary Ceramics, Brussels, Belgium 2009 - 'A New Beginning' Michael Jackson and Kristine Tillge Lund, 'Artists Autumn Exhibition', Copenhagen 2008.

Quote from article by Rasmus Kjærboe/KunstenNU: "Charred Donald Duck is the exhibition's best feature ... six black characters hanging on the wall who look like tiny charred mummies. They weathered or severely burned ceramic pieces, A New Beginning, by Michael Jackson and Kristine Tillge Lund turns out to be based on the figure of Donald Duck. It's different and original, both in the selection of material, design and references, and consequently distancing itself to the rest of the exhibition, which mostly looks like a reading of 'tendencies'. "
Photos of ART PIECES:
'Arcade' Vesterbro Contemporary Work Out Space Photo: Mikkel R. Mortensen
'Hole' 2010, 45 x 45 x 180 cm. Photo: Mikkel Rahr Mortensen
'Pinocchio' 2010, 10 x 10 x 4 cm. Photo: Mikkel Rahr Mortensen
'Hot Chocolate' 2010, 40 x 40 x 10 cm. Photo: Mikkel R. Mortensen
'STATE' 2012 - Exhibition photos by Ann Linnemann