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Sergei Isupov Estonia/USA
Exhibition 25 January - 24 February 2018
From Russian avantgarde to international contemporary ceramic art.
World renowned contemporary artist Sergei Isupov exhibits new thoughtful surreal pieces in Copenhagen, Denmark.
For this exhibition Sergei Isupov has specifically worked with a number of figurines and wall objects in smaller formats.
He is acknowledged for his original painted ceramic pieces of fascinating themes from the Russian history to a wonderful contemporary diversity - about life.
Sergei Isupov works in porcelain and uses traditional hand-modelling and sculpture techniques, but here the traditional ends to make room for a surprising imagery that unfolds on the 3D forms of the pieces. Each side represents a new motif and nothing is as expected at first glance.

Isipov tells multilateral stories, combining surface and form with narrative painting, oxide, colour stains and clear glaze.
His ceramic works and drawings are masterfully performed - and it is with great pleasure that the Gallery has been given this opportunity to show these amazing art pieces for a Danish audience.

Grateful thanks to The Danish Art Foundation for project funding in 2018.

Introducing Sergei Isupov - Next photos are previous exhibition pieces.
Thank you Ferrin Contemporary and photographer John Polak and Erie Art Museum for the use of their images in this blog. The works shown are from exhibitions that took place in the USA and are shared with us courtesy Ferrin Contemporary.
To learn more or inquire about Sergei Isupov's available works in the USA visit:
Born in 1963 in Stavrapole, Russia, Sergei Isupov lives and has a studio in Massachusetts, USA and Estonia.
Isupov graduated from the Art Institute of Tallinn, Estonia in 1990, BA/MFA Ceramics.
In 1994 he emigrated to the United States.
He has an extensive international professional experience with artworks represented at several exhibitions and in public collections, including the Museum of Arts and Design (NY), Racine Art Museum (WI), Museum of Fine Arts Boston (MA), Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (TX) USA and National Gallery of Australia.
His artworks are represented in publications, catalogs, journals such as Postmodern Ceramics, Sex Pots: Eroticsm in Ceramics, Ceramic Surface; Shy Boy, She Devil, and Isis: The Art of Conceptual Craft; Confrontational Ceramics etc.
He teaches, holds workshops and lectures internationally in museums, universities and art centers, also invited guest artist/ artist-in-residence at Archie Bray Foundation, Helena (MT), International Ceramics Studio, Kecskemét, Hungary and International Ceramic Research Center, Denmark.
In 2001 he received The Louis Comfort Tiffany Biennial Award.
See pieces in the gallery collection: LINK
(Program - subject to change)
16 - 20 JANUARY WORLD CUP - exhibition continued. See LINK
Sergei Isupov Estonia/USA
Russian avant-garde artist, emigrated to the United States, presents new thoughtful surreal pieces.
For this exhibition, Sergei Isupov has specifically worked on figurines and wall objects. Isupov has his studio in Massachusetts, USA and Estonia. He is acknowledged for his original works, and fascinating themes from Russian history to the wonderful diversity of today - and life.
MASTER PIECES - 10th Anniversary exhibition
Miniature, clay model, sketch - Danish/International
The gallery celebrates its 10th anniversary with a string of master pieces made by the many exhibitors of the years.
An exhibition of specially rare and unknown pieces, miniatures or particularly important clay sketch for inspiration. In the true spirit of the place, it is possible to look into a treasury of ideas and ceramics of traditional, conceptual and humorous nature.
OSTRACON - Peter Brandes
Peter Brandes focuses on ceramics, historical, archaeological - pottery, jars, democracy.
His focal point is Ostracon: a piece of pottery, usually broken off from a vase or other earthenware vessel. Ostraca refer (in ancient Greece) a potsherd, especially one used as a ballot, a vote was inscribed. Brandes exhibits ceramic fragments used as notebooks, democratic voting slips and much more, but also painted jars and other ceramics by this highly acknowledged Danish artist.
LEGENDARY - Niels Lauesen's ceramics & sketches
- together with his previous students: Ole Jensen, Søren Thygesen, Turi Heisselberg, Marianne Nielsen.
Niels Lauesen (1941-2014) was a fantastic inspiring, knowledgeable teacher and ceramist. The exhibition will show a large collection of Niels' works and sketchbooks. In addition, his former students from the Kolding Arts and Crafts School will visualize their experience based on this meeting with special thanks to a talented teacher and artist.
SPATIAL DRAWINGS - Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl
The ceramic sculptures of Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl are emphasizing their fundamental existence in space. Through his precise formal elaboration of the material even a casual and banal gesture in space is attributed significance. With a vigilant eye for the monumental within the insignificant the artist works to create the conditions for shaping an intuitive, spatial form.
- Karen Bennicke & Yoshikawa Masamichi
Geometry and experimental interest are common denominators for Japanese Masamichi and Danish Karen Bennicke. The exhibition will present new pieces by both and set the world-renowned ceramic artists in a special dialogue. Each with their personal form language, the meeting will tell about diversities, reveal cultural references, contradictions and contexts.
- Ursula Munch-Petersen & Ann Linnemann
Craft challenges industry - new colours and blue print.
Focusing on crafts, personal utility items with traces of the hand. The exhibition talks about two kinds of functional ware that in various ways refer to the industrial product, but carried out in the studio workshop, and largely the result of the hand's ability to create unique high quality functional pieces that can be loved by generations and stay through time.
- Akio Takamori - Ann Linnemann - Anne Fløcke - Anne Mette Hjortshøj - Asger Kristensen - Barbro Åberg - Beate Andersen - Bente Hansen - Bente Skjøttgaard – Better Lübbert - Bodil Manz - Charlotte Thorup - Christina Schou Christensen – Dorte Kristoffersen - Elisa Helland-Hansen - Esben Klemann - Extrudox A/S Steen Ipsen/Anne Tophøj - Gerd Hiort Petersen - Gunhild Rudjord - Gunhild Aaberg - Hans Munck Andersen - Hans Vangsø - Heidi Hentze - Helle Hove – Inge Lise Koefoed - Inger Heebøll - Jonathan Keep - Karen Bennicke - Karen Harsbo - Kim Holm - Kirsten Christensen - Kirsten Coelho - Kirsten Høholt - Kirsten Justesen - Kurt Weiser - Lea Mi Engholm – Lesley Baker - Lis Biggas - Lis Ehrenreich - Lisbeth Holst-Jensen - Lone Borgen & Stephen Parry - Lone Skov Madsen - Louise Birch - Louise Gaarmann - Louise Sidelmann - Malene Müllertz - Margaret O'Rorke - Marianne Krumbach - Marianne Nielsen - Marek Cecula - Mariko Wada - Martin Bodilsen Kahldahl – Mette Augustinus Poulsen - Mette Marie Ørsted - Mikael Jackson - Morten Løbner Espersen – Morten Modin - Neil Brownsword - Nina Malterud - Ninna Gøtzsche - Ole Jensen - Ole Vesterlund – Per Ahlmann - Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen - Prue Venables - Richard Shaw - Samuel Chung - Sandra Davolio - Sophus Ejler Jepsen - Sten Lykke Madsen - Stephen Bowers - Steven Rolf - Søren Thygesen - Theis Lorentzen - Turi Heisselberg Pedersen – Ueda Mayu - Ulla Bech-Bruun - Ursula Munch-Petersen - Vibeke Krog - Vibeke Rytter..