Exhibition 16 June – 13 August 2016
(Summer closed 23-31 July)
New connections.. artists, vessels, sculptures and wall pieces.
Guest exhibitors Eva Brandt, Vibeke Krog and Better Lübbert present vessels and sculptures that are arranged with selected Danish and international pieces from the Gallery's large ceramic collection.

The exhibition plays on horizontal and vertical synergies by combining vessels and wall objects in various contexts and juxtapositions - new stories in the form of assemblage.

Wall objects include Esben Klemann, Mikael Jackson, Marianne Nielsen, Charlotte Thorup, Ole Vesterlund.. - and other collectables Bente Hansen, Barbro Åberg, Mette Marie Ørsted, Heidi Hentze and Søren Thygesen..

The focus is on exciting combinations, thoughtful contrasts, hidden and unknown harmonies - of tradition and innovation, nature and geometry, pattern and image, love of colour and richness of nuances.

Eva Brandt works on Bornholm, Vibeke Krog on Himmelbjergvej in Jutland and Better Lübbert in Hundested, North Zealand. They are almost the same age and all educated at the School for Applied Arts, but from different time periods.

EVA BRANDT "I am inspired by nature - plants, sea life, powerful geological processes, and by transformation of the Earth's raw materials through time.
I work with inspiration from geology and landscapes around me, especially Southern Bornholm and more recently Iceland, which I hope to return to.
The work process usually include photography on the sites and idea sketches later. I seek to express the sense of inner life or extra refined dimension of the rough and physical - I'm happy when the jar, that way, comes 'alive'.
The exhibited pieces are large vessels modeled through many days. The shape is for me an archetype, a being or a heart shape. The clay is a rough stoneware. I work a lot with surface structure and a sense of transparency and depth of color layers. Moreover, often graphic evidence that suggests life."
Eva Brandt lives and has her studio on the Danish island Bornholm.
She was born in 1954 and educated at the School of Applied Arts in Copenhagen 1975-80. Awarded the Ole Haslund Artist Award 1989. Study residency New Mexico 1996.
SELECTED EXHIBITIONS - 2001 Spring Exhibition at the Bornholm Museum w. Horst Zickelbein - 2003 Kunsthal Brænderigaarden, Viborg - 2006 'Bornholmsk studio pottery over 100 years' on 'The New Kastet', Thisted - 2008 'Talking Pots' solo show at the Clay International Ceramic Museum and Grønbechs Gaard -
2009 'Landmarks' Flow Gallery London - 2013 Gallery Oxholm, Copenhagen - 2015 "From time immemorial 'solo, Grønbechs Gaard, Hasle - 2015" White Show' Flow Gallery, London. Has also received AWARDS from the Danmarks Nationalbank's Jubilee Foundation, Oticon Foundation, Georg Harms Grant and Martha and Poul Kerrn-Jespersen's Fund. REPRESENTED in collections both in Denmark and internationally, including The Rosenfield Collection.

VIBEKE KROG "The idea for 'lid boxes' were (at the School of Applied Arts) to make a vase with lids, thus a functional thing. So be able to be with or without lids according to use. However, I think it was a little lost in thought, and I was eager to see the actual shape as sculpture and photo in one.
So far I have worked with small changes in the form and the painting has become more strict and is experienced as if there are more layers, more depth.

My sculptures are built in slab-technique, shaped like narrow 'boxes' being lifted up by the feet. I work in red clay, which forms a fine, dark background for my way of painting with slips. To achieve contrast to the matte, smooth surface I glaze selected areas.
The germ of my painted sculptures takes its beginning many years ago on a trip to Egypt. The journey included, inter alias a visit to the temple town of Karnak besides visiting various graves.
In addition to architecture, I was very inspired by the softness and ceramic textural effect found in Egyptian tomb painting."
Vibeke Krog lives and has her studio on the Himmelbjergvej in Silkeborg.
She was born in 1953, was a student 1976-77 with John Terragni (Jyske Academy Aarhus), 1978-79 Free Studios Gudhjem, and educated at the School of Applied Arts (Danish Design School) 1981-85. Has had her own studio since 1988.
EXHIBITIONS Ceramics Europe 13 Westerwaldpreis 2014, Ceramics Museum Westerwald, Vessel Sculpture, Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig 2013 "Sensations", Heltborg Museum, 2013 The New Kastet 2012 Contemporary Danish Ceramics, Ceramics Centres Tiendschuur Tegelen, The Netherlands, 2005. She distributes through LERTØJ (Earthenware shop/gallery) Aarhus.

BETTER Lübbert "To work in craftsmanship and with a material always have consequences and a natural abstraction. I work with proportions and dimensions. The jar's existence in time and space, corpus in relation to the human body, the detail in relation to the whole.
From an intact, beautiful and fragile herbarium combined with observations of nature and fantasy, I proceeded on the Danish flora, basically with my own sense of story and a herbarium my father had gathered as a young biologist.
I translate the Danish plants to silkscreen print - in a fairly free process where more prints can be put on top of each other, scratched in and painted over etc.
On the large, historic shelf is the Flora Danica radiating, boastful and welcoming me. With great respect for history and a desire to connect the past with our time, I start somewhere else and tells in the present moment of my love for the seen, the connected, the lived, the noted, the physical and the marvellous."
Better Lübbert lives and the has her studio in Hundested; North Zealand.
She was born in 1955; graduated from the Danish Design School, Copenhagen 1988-94.
TRAVELLING EXHIBITIONS "From the Kilns of Denmark" in Museums and the Galleries the US and France and "Unique_ in Europe. ART FAIRS Art CopenhagenForum, Art Herning, Art Aarhus, Art Miami, USA.
EXHIBITIONS Danish Ceramics Triennale Trapholt; Biennale 2004 Trapholt Art Museum and the North Jutland Art Museum; SOLO EXHIBITION Gallery Jorgen Ostergaard, Ikast; Galerie Wolfsen Aalborg; Gallery Kolding; Gallery DGV, Svendborg; Oxholm Gallery, Carl Hansen & Son; Copenhagen. EXHIBITS AND ORGANISER _MY ROOM" Sophienholm. TRAVEL to India, Istanbul, Turkey, Portugal, Cuba, Costa Rica, Central America, France, Italy. GRANTS include Danish Arts Foundation; Danish Crafts. Danmarks Nationalbank's Anniversary Foundation and the Ole Haslund Travel Grant and Arts&Crafts Award of 1879, bronze, silver medal and the travel grant.
Thanks to The Danish Arts Foundation for Project Funding in 2016.
EVA BRANDT - www.evabrandt.dk
Born in 1954.
Member of ACAB (Arts & Crafts Association Bornholm) og Danish Crafts&Design Association
1975-80 School of Applied Art (Academy of Art&Design), Copenhagen
2016 ’Earthbound’, Gudhjem Museum, Bornholm
2015 ‘White Show’, Flow Gallery, London
2015 ‘Fra tidernes morgen’ solo, Grønbechs Gaard, Hasle
2014 ’10 keramikere fra Bornholm’, Gudhjem Museum
2013 Galleri Oxholm, København
2012 ’Havet’, Rundetårn, Copenhagen
2011 ‘Den næste generation’, Roskilde
2010 ‘Hot Spots’, Museion no 1, Budapest, Ungarn
2009 ‘Landmarks’ , Flow Gallery, London
2008 ’Talking Pots’, solo, CLAY, Danmarks Keramikmuseum, Fyn
'Talking Pots’, solo, Grønbechs Gård, Hasle, Bornholm
2006 ’Bornholmsk værkstedskeramik gennem 100 år” ’Det Ny Kastet’, Thisted
2004 Rundetårn, Copenhagen
2003 Kunsthal Brænderigaarden , Viborg
2001 Forårsudstillingen w Horst Zickelbein, på Bornholms Museum
2003 Katalog ”– og sådan blev det” 2008 Ceramic Arts & Perception no.78
2008 Udstillingshæfte egen udgivelse “Talking Pots” (Eva Brandt)
2007 “Bornholmsk værkstedskeramik gennem 100 år” (’Bornholm Studio Ceramics Through 100 Years’)
2015 ”En stilfuld keramisk odyssé” Artikel+forside, ”Jul på Bornholm” (kulturhistorisk tidsskrift)
VIBEKE BORRESEN KROG www.vibekekrog.dk
Born in 1953.
Member of The Danish Crafts&Design Association and LERTØJ, Aarhus
1981-85 School of Applied Art (Academy of Art&Design), Copenhagen.
2014 Keramik Europas, 13. Westerwaldpreis 2014 Keramikmuseum Westerwald
2013 Vessel Sculpture, Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig. “Sansninger” Heltborg Museum,
2012 Det Ny Kastet, Thisted - Tinghuset Brædstrup - Klitgården Tranum - Stengalleriet Horsens
2011 Sommerudstilling Galleri Pagter, Kolding – Påskeudstilling Galleri Stenseminde, Aalborg.
2011 Galleri Pagter Kolding
2010 Galleri Færch-P Påskeudstilling
2009,08 Brønderslev Påskeudstilling
2009,06 Galleri Humlum Gl. Skole
2005 Moderne Dansk Keramik, Keramiekcentrum Tiendschuur,Tegelen Holland
2004 Galleri Silkeborg Kunstnerhus - Galleri Pictor, SE Munka Ljungby
2003 Udsmykning Arepa, Silkeborg -
2003 Galleri Humlum, Struer - Købmandsgården, Skælskør - Ålborg Kunstpavillon
2001 Silkeborg Udstillingen - Galleri Garlishèe
Arts&Crafts Fair Frue Plads, Ovnhus, KIC Århus, Skals Fair, Chelsea Crafts Fair-London 2004 exhibitions in Arts Associations.
BETTER LÜBBERT www.better-lubbert.com
Born in 1955
Member of Halsnæs Town Lokal Arts Council.
1988-90 School of Applied Art (Academy of Art&Design), Copenhagen
1991-94 School of Applied Art (Academy of Art&Design) Institut for Unika.
2016 ”North” Ålborg med Galerie Wolfsen - ”Greatest hits” Galleri DGV
2015 Solo, Oxholm Gallery, København - ”Kvadrat, kugle og kube” Kunstmuseet Brundlund Slot, Åbenrå
2014 Separatudstilling Galleri Carl Hansen & Søn, Bredgade, København
”Form Language", Ann Linneman Gallery - ”Masterpieces” Galerie Wolfsen, Aalborg
2013 La Primavera. Huset i Asnæs, med billedkunstner Inka Sigel
2012 Galleri DGV. Villa Tårnborg m. Tom Krøjer
2011 ”More than Yellow” Galleri Wolfsen
2010 Galleri DGV, m. Yoshio Nakajima, Tom Krøjer, Dorte Lausten, Maurice Wyckaert, Gunleif Grube.
2009 Seperatudstilling ”I skovens dybe stille ro” Galleri Wolfsen - Kulturspinderiet, Silkeborg
2008 ”Grand Opening”, Galleri Wolfsen - Det danske Centralbibliotek, Flensborg med billedkunstner Inka Sigel
2007 Galleriet Kolding, soloudstilling - Contemporary Ceramics, Galleri Wolfsen, Ålborg
2006 PRO, Charlottenborg, København - Soloudstilling Galleriet Jørgen Østergaard, Ikast.
Kunstnersammenslutningen Grænselandsudstillingen, Sønderjyllandshallen, Åbenrå
2005 ”MY ROOM”, Sophienholm, Kgs. Lyngby.
”Krukken og Billedet”, Officinet, Kbh. - ”Andre Himmelstrøg”, Galleriet, Kolding. w Carin Faaborg
2004 ”Biennalen 2004”, Trapholt Kunstmuseum, Kolding – Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg 2005
”Céramiques contemporaines danoises”, Maison du Danemark, Paris
2003 ”Fortællinger fra Mellemøsten”, Galleri Epoke, Vejle, w Carin Faaborg
”Kompositioner”, Galerie Susanne Højriis, Copenhagen
2002 ”Danish – American Contemporary Art”, Galerie Susanne Højriis, Copenhagen
2001 ”Skulpturel Form”, Grimmerhus Keramikmuseum - Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen - Galleri Epoke, Vejle
Galerie Wolfsen, Aalborg. Med billedkunstner Bente Christensens Ernst
Ambiente Messen, Frankfurt, Tyskland
2000 ”Den 3. Danske Keramiktriennale”, Trapholt Art Museum
PRO. Charlottenborg. Copenhagen
Galerie Am Kamp, Teterow, Tyskland
TRAVELLING EXHIBITIONS "From the Kilns of Denmark" in Museums and the Galleries the US and France and "Unique_ in Europe.
ART FAIRS Art Copenhagen, Forum, Art Herning, Art Århus, Art Miami USA.
Danish Arts Foundation, Designmuseum Danmark, CLAY, Aarhus Town.
Sold to Her Majesty Dronning Margrethe 1994.
Danish Arts Foundation 1995,97, 99, 2000,01,02,03. Danish Crafts. 2000, 02. Danmarks Nationalbank's Anniversary Foundation 1996,97, 2000,13. Arts&Crafts Award of 1879, bronze 1995, silver medal and the travel grant 1996.
Ole Haslund Travel Grant 2006, and K.A. Lassens og hustru L.M Lassens født Thodbergs Legat. Ellen og Knud Dalhoff Larsens Fond. Krista og Viggo Petersens Fond. Det Reiersenske Fond. Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorck`s Fond. Artist residency at Statens Værksteder for Kunst og Håndværk, Gl. Dok.
PROTOTYPES NW1, Normann Copenhagen for Furniture Fair Milan 2009