Karen Bennicke DK
Exhibition 2 – 30 september 2010
Thematic exhibition of new ceramic objects by Karen Bennicke, DK
Diamonds are.. pure luxuriation.
Metaphors for beauty, dream and fantasy.
Diamonds breed mystic and mythology - even crime and murder.
Diamonds build material for evergreens.
Diamonds also generate inspiration to other facet objects.
Sculptural variations of the classic brilliant-cut - 'Correct cut'.
Made in the simple materials as clay and glaze.
Karen Bennicke
"My works are spatial visions. Constructions – reminiscent of architecture – that constitute a kind of form-bearing membranes between the exterior and the interior. Light and subsequently shadow, of course, are the main agents in a process of intuitive, mathematical building up of sculptures – which are operating in the field between something distinct, with rather recognizable, functional references, and something undefined, that takes place between the harmonious and the almost chaotic. I try to eliminate the distance between the logical/concrete world of form, that we know from everyday life, and the illogical, unknown and absurd."
Karen Bennicke exhibits in Denmark and internationally. She works thematic with sculpture, wall objects and architectural commissions. She is a member of the Danish Fine Artists Association - BKF (Billedkunstnernes Forbund), the Danish Artist Society (Kunstnersamfundet) and International Academy of Ceramics – IAC. www.karenbennicke.dk