DIALOGUE Amare le Differenze - Love Difference
Exhibition 2 February - 11 March 2017
Opening reception Thursday 9 February at 16-19.00
About love for diversity.. - ceramic pieces set in dialogue.
The exhibition focuses on variety - contrasts and relationships between pieces in the collection, - previous and newcomers.
A display of thoughtful combinations, hidden and unknown harmonies, dialogue between tradition and present, nature and culture, figure and raw material - form, pattern, decoration, image..

Keeping in mind the current world situation, the pieces invite the viewer on a journey into new stories of various expressions - on the motives endless ways for finding their own clues.

A market building in Italy shows off its peaceful message in neon lights.
Enlightening in all languages stands the old building as an important landmark for a message that is well worth holding on to.
- What is national identity, closed borders and fear of dissimilarity worth it compared to the value of diversity?
- How do we maintain this value if we can not embrace differences?
Throughout history, people have always crossed boundaries out of interest for commerce or adventure, for curiosity or advance, escape from war, hunger and poverty or simply for survival of its kind or the family.
It is impossible to shut down in a world where so many have access to all knowledge and information.
The picture is evident in contemporary art, where the international World order is challenged and constantly in movement.
The exhibition is a comment on Global diversity - in ceramic materials.

Playing by Different Rules
Rules are negotiated in Lotte Westphael's dominoes in porcelain.

The exhibition presents combinations of various different pieces:
Karen Bennicke & Heidi Hentze, Anne Fløcke & Esben Klemann, Hans Vangsø & Ole Vesterlund, Anne Mette Hjortshøj & Sophus Ejler Jepsen, Christina Schou Christensen & Marianne Nielsen, Kurt Weiser & Mikael Jackson, Marianne Krumbach & Samuel Chung..
- and a colourful collage of objects made by: Akio Takamori, Bente Skjøttgaard, Charlotte Thorup, Esben Klemann, Inger Heebøll, Kirsten Christensen, Kirsten Høholt, Kirsten Justesen, Lis Biggas, Lotte Westphael, Louise Sidelmann, Malene Müllertz, Mariko Wada, Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl, Per Ahlmann, Sandra Trujillo, Sten Lykke Madsen, Stephen Bowers, Søren Thygesen, Theis Lorentzen, Ursula Munch-Petersen, Vibeke Rytter, Ulla Bech-Bruun..
The gallery also features a large international collection of ceramic art: Ann Linnemann, Asger Kristensen, Barbro Åberg, Bente Hansen, Dorte Kristoffersen, Elisa Helland-Hansen, Gerd Hiort Petersen, Gunhild Rudjord, Gunhild Aaberg, Helle Hove, Inge Lise Koefoed, Jonathan Keep, Karen Harsbo, Kim Holm, Kirsten Coelho, Lea Mi Engholm, Lis Ehrenreich, Lisbeth Holst-Jensen, Lone Borgen & Stephen Parry, Lone Skov Madsen, Lotte Westphael, Louise Birch, Louise Gaarmann, Marek Cecula, Mette Augustinus Poulsen, Mette Marie Ørsted, Morten Modin, Neil Brownsword, Nina Malterud, Ninna Gøtzsche, Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen, Prue Venables, Richard Shaw, Sophia Nuske, Ueda Mayu, Vibeke Krog..
Grateful thanks to The Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Crafts and Design Project Funding of the Ann Linnemann Gallery in 2017.
BIOGRAPHIES – Alphabetic by first name
ANNE FLØCHE (b. 1952) was educated at the Jutland Art Academy DK 1973-78. She has exhibited several times in Denmark: Sophienholm, Design Museum Denmark, Trapholt Art Museum, Denmark's International Ceramic Museum.. and internationally at museums and galleries in Sweden, Germany, England, France, USA, China and SOFA/USA og COLLECT/London. In 2015 also at Hu Gallery, Nagoya, Japan. PUBLIC COLLECTIONS Danish National Art Foundation, National Art Foundation Sweden, Design Museum Denmark, NY Carlsberg Foundation, Trapholt Art Museum, Denmark's International Ceramic Museum – Grimmerhus, Ulster Museum of Fine Arts, Sieg Collection – Pennsylvania, Scandinavian Embassy – Berlin.. AWARDS Ole Haslunds Arist Grant, Denmark's National Bank's Anniversary Fund, Danish National Art Foundation, Beckett-Foundation, Højgaard's Foundation..
RESIDENCY AWARDS Danish National Studios for Arts and Crafts- Gl.Dok Architecture Centre DK 2004,07, The Danish Institute in Damascus 2006, San Bao International Ceramics Centre - China 2009.. www.annefloche.dk
ANNE METTE HJORTSHØJ (b. 1973) www.goldmarkart.com - EDUCATION Royal Danish Art Academy, Bornholm 1997–2000. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS Chawan Expo, Hemiksen, Belgien, SALT, Keramisk Center Höganäs, Sweden 2015. Japanism, Bornholm Ceramic Museum, Hjorts Fabrik, Denmark 2014. International Chasabal Festival, Mungyeong, South Korea 13, 12, 11, 10, 09, 08. Contemporary Ceramics Gallery, Israel 2013. SOGO Tokyo, Japan, “Three Cups”, Vessels for Tea, Dragon Tearoom and Gallery, Colorado, USA, Solo show, Goldmark Gallery, Uppingham, England 2012. Japan/Bornholm, Galleri Vang, ”Next Generation”, Palæfløjen, Roskilde, Denmark 2011. ”Wall of Fame”, First Decade, Selected Graduates, DKDS Bornholm, Ganjin Celedon Festival, International Ceramic Artist Exhibition 2010. LECTURES/WORKSHOPS 2nd European Woodfire Conference, Skælskør Denmark 2015. Tel Aviv Museum, Israel 2014. International teabowl festival, Mungyeong, South Korea 2013.
BENTE SKJØTTGAARD was born in Danmark 1961. She lives and works in Copenhagen. www.skjoettgaard.dk
EDUCATION Kolding Design School, Kolding Denmark 1982-86. Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem 1985. JURY Biennale Internationale de Vallauris 2014, Frankrig. Co-manager, Copenhagen Ceramics, Smallegade 46 Frederiksberg, 2012- . SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud, Bruxelles, ”Cumulonimbus” Copenhagen Ceramics, Frederiksberg DK 2014. ”Aire de Repos” Galerie Maria Lund, Paris 2013. Bodil Manz and Bente Skjøttgaard: “Cuts and interventions”, Copenhagen Ceramics 2012. ”Fokus on Traces” Vejen Art Museum, Vejen DK, Puls contemporary ceramics, Bruxelles 2011. ”Dans le nuages” Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, ”Cumulus” Ann Linnemann Gallery 2010. ”Traces” selected by the Danish Art Foundation, Project 'Hærvejen'
BIRGITTE CHRISTENS born in Denmark in 1982, lives and works in Copenhagen. EDUCATION Master Degree HDK 2007-09, Bachelor KHiB 2004-07, Exchange CSM, London 2006. SELECTED Danish Arts Foundation Work Grant 2016. Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition, `Blue Legs` 2016. Danish Biennial of Crafts and Design 2015. EKWC artist in residence, Netherlands 2015. www.birgittechristens.dk
CHARLOTTE THORUP was born in 1973. Graduated from the Glass & Ceramics School - Bornholm (Now KADK) 2000. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 'Danish Contemporary' Lacoste Gallery USA 2016. Arts&Crafts Award, Officinet 2015. Unique Ceramics, Køge; New Meets Old, Hiorts Factory, Ronne; Lust structures, R2 Gallery, Svaneke; Fantastic Tales, Ceramic House, England 2014. Definition, Finland 2013. Danish National Museum 2012. The Next Generation, Roskilde 2011. Wawerhythmfold Gallery Klejn, Bornholm 2010. LandMarks, Flow Gallery, London 2009. Ann Linnemann Gallery: A touch of .. 2011, Behold 2012, Form Language 2014, solo 2016. www.charlottethorup.dk
CHRISTINA SCHOU CHRISTENSEN was educated at the Art Academy Design school Bornholm 2012. She has participated in several juried exhibitions Spring Exhibition Charlottenborg and received Awards including the Danish Art Foundation. She participated in the exhibition MindCraft at Design Museum Danmark and in Milan, 2016. www.christinaschouchristensen.dk
ESBEN KLEMANN was educated at the Royal Danish Art Achademy in Copenhagen. He is known for his sculptural and architectural art work. Two Concrete Barriers, Vanløse Culture Centre – Entrance at Paschal, Denmark A/S, AArhus 2010 – Concrete Element, Bornholm Art Museum 2009 -'Step Elements' Eventyrhaven Odense County 2008 – Concrete Elements, Technology Institute, Tåstrup - 'The Bank' outdoor ceramic relief at parking building, Miami USA 2007. Recent exhibitions: 'Sculpture by the Sea' Århus 2011, Solo Exhibition, Agallery and 'Across' Tappehallerne Carlsberg, København 2010. Honorary Award, The Arts Foundation of 1973 for painters and sculptors – The Danish National Art Foundation, Fine Art Department. www.esbenklemann.dk
HANS VANGSØ has been exhibited internationally in Europe's leading galleries: Gallerie Besson, London 2004,09; Meister der Moderne, Munich 2013; Oxford Ceramics Gallery 2013,14; Galerie Puls, Brussels 2011; Atelje 42, Stockholm 2011; Collect, Victoria and Albert Museum, London 2006,07,08; Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh 2012; Sigtuna Museum, Sweden 2001; From the Kilns of Denmark, New York, 2002, Berlin 2004, Paris 2004; Oakwood Gallery, Nottingham, England 2004; Carlin Gallery, Paris 2005; Kaolin, Stockholm 2006; Gallery Pagter, Kolding 2013; Ann Linnemann Gallery, Copenhagen 2008,15; and Snyderman Galleries, Philadelphia USA SOFA 2007,09; Gallery Lacoste, Boston 2012,14 ...
He is represented in Danish and international collections: the Design Museum Denmark, Danish Arts Foundation, Trapholt Art Museum and the Denmark's Ceramics Museum etc..
HEIDI HENTZE was born in 1975. EDUCATED Glass and Ceramics School - Bornholm (Now KADK) 2006. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS Ann Linnemann Gallery: "GEOMETRY OF MATERIAL" solo 2016, "MASTER PIECES Miniatures" 2013, "FRAGILE" 2012. ”Danish Contemporary” Lacoste Gallery, Boston, USA 2016. The "Biennale of Craft and Design 2013" and "SEA" ACAB's 10-year anniversary, Round Tower, Copenhagen. "Form.Frei" Gottorf Castle, Schleswig, DE. "59th Premio Faenza", International Competition, Italy. "Ceramics of Europe" European Parliament, Strasbourg, FR. "10th International Ceramics Competition, Mino," Japan. "13th Westerwald Prize ", Höhr-Grenzhausen, DE. "COLLECT", Saatchi Gallery, London. "Fantastic Tales" Brighton, UK 2014. Art Festival 2013 Funasaka, Japan. "Collect in the Country in 2013," Cultural Connections, UK. GRANTS Danish Arts Foundation, Danmarks Nationalbank's Anniversary Foundation, Ole Haslund Artist Award, OJD Foundation.. www.heidihentze.dk
INGER HEEBØLL born in 1969. EDUCATION Danish School of Design 1998. SELECTED Arts and Crafts Award, Bronze Medal 2016. "2016 International Cone Box Show" Kansas City. Biennial of Craft and Design 2015. Carlsberg, Work Grant Danish Arts Foundation 2015. Biennial of Craft and Design in 2013, nominated for the Biennial Prize 2013. "The Artists Summer Exhibition" Tistrup 2011, "Fabula - Nordic Baltic Ceramics" Art Centre, Tarbekunstimuuseum -Tallinn, Bryggens Museum - Bergen, "VK Exhibition" Lerchenborg, Kalundborg, 2nd prize 2001. "YoungCeramics.dk" CLAY Danish Museum of Ceramics 1999.
KAREN BENNICKE exhibits in Denmark and internationally. She works thematic with sculpture, wall objects and architectural commissions. She is a member of the Danish Fine Artists Association - BKF (Billedkunstnernes Forbund), the Danish Artist Society (Kunstnersamfundet) and International Academy of Ceramics – IAC. www.karenbennicke.dk
KIRSTEN HØHOLT born in 1979. Educated at Bath Spa University (ceramics) Somerset UK 2000-04. MEMBER of Formateket since 2008 and The Danish Arts and Crafts Association since 2012. ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE La Muse, France; 'Network Europe', International Ceramic Centre DK 2004; Workshop at Mark Smith, UK 1999. GRANTS Danish Arts Foundation 2015, Obel Family Foundation 2002. EXHIBITIONS 'Danish Contemporary' Lacoste Gallery, Boston USA 2016. Ann Linnemann Gallery: 'Throwing the case' 2014 'Masterpieces' 2013. 'Formateket' 2010; 'New designers', London 2004. Jug Exhibition, Blaze, Bristol 2006. 'Young Danish ceramics' Gallery Rasmus 2009. 'Network Europe' International Ceramic Museum CLAY 2005. www.kirstenhoholt.dk
KIRSTEN JUSTESEN was born in 1943. She currently lives and works in Copenhagen.
She attended the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Sculpture and Mural Department, and holds an BA in Art Theory. She has been a visiting professor frequently lecturing at the departments of Art, Theatre and Language at universities and art schools in Scandinavia the USA, and the Middle East.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick USA, sup. professor at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm, 1994. BEZALEL The Academy of Fine Arts, Jerusalem and The Academy of Fine Arts Umeå, Sweden, Bergen and Oslo, Norway. www.kirstenjustesen.com
KURT WEISER was born in Michigan 1950, lives and has his studio in Arizona and Montana, USA.
EDUCATION Interlochen Arts Academy, MI, 1967-69; Kansas City Art Institute, MO, BFA 1972; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, MFA 1976.
AWARDS Aileen Osborn Webb National Artist Award, 2003; American Craft Council College of Fellows, 2003; Arizona Commission on the Arts, Artist Fellowship, 1999; National Endowment for the Arts, Artist Fellowship, 1992, 1989. USA Artists Fellowship 2012.. SELECTED COLLECTIONS Victoria and Albert Museum; the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Carnegie Museum of Art; Museum of Contemporary Ceramics, Shigaraki, Japan; Mint Museum of Craft and Design; Racine Art Museum and the National Museum of History in Taipei.
LOTTE WESTPHAEL born in 1965. EDUCATION Design School in Kolding, ceramic artist 1988-92 and the Department of Unique 1992-93. SELECTED "Dead Pigs Laughing" performance and solo exhibition Kählers workshops. "Syncope vase" Charlottensborg Spring Exhibition 2016. Danish Arts&Crafts Award, bronze medal 2016 exhibited in Officinet and the Danish Cultural Institute, St. Petersburg. Winner "Across" and "To wrap a package" Skals Design and Crafts School 2016, 2013. "Villvin Award" Arts and Crafts Fair 2016 Risør, Norway. Synkoper, Lerverk, Gothenburg 2016. Study travel to studios in Japan. Project funding, Danish Arts Foundation: "[Albers] translated into transparency" with reference to Josef Albers colour theories and graphic works, and Anni Albers woven textiles, 2017. www.westphaell.dk
MALENE MÜLLERTZ was educated at Kunsthåndværkerskolen 1965-70, employed artist at Bing & Grøndahls Porcelainsfabrik 1970-73, Art Academy Architect School, industriel design 1973-75, artist at Royal Copenhagen 1977 and 82, own studio since 1975. She is a member of Danish Artist Association and 'Keramiske Veje'. CV – www.malenemullertz.dk
MARIANNE NIELSEN graduated from the Kolding School of Design 1999, in 2012 she received the Danish Arts Foundation's three-year Artist Award. Selected exhibitions: 'Lunch of the green', solo exhibition, Shop for Tableware, Copenhagen - 'Mind Craft', Milan Design Week, Milan, Italy 2014 - Biennial for Crafts and Design 2013, the Round Tower - 'Terres. Copenhagen Ceramics Invites .. 'Galerie Maria Lund, Paris, France 2013 -' all Elite Folklore 'with Anne Tophøj, Copenhagen Ceramics, Copenhagen 2012 - Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl Invites ..' Puls Contemporary Ceramics, Brussels, Belgium - 'Across' New Tap, Carlsberg, Copenhagen 2010 Artist residency at the Danish Institute in Damascus 2006, a freelance designer for Kähler Ceramics since 2009, designer at the Royal Copenhagen Porcelain 2001-02.
MARIANNE KRUMBACH was born in Denmark. EDUCATED Designskolen Kolding 1996-2001, Københavns Universitet, Bachelor in Danish and Art History 1991-94. Previously, she exhibited at 'Wild & Vigorous' with Marianne Nielsen. She participated in the exhibition MindCraft at Design Museum Danmark and in Milan, 2016. www.mariannekrumbach.dk
MIKAEL JACKSON born in 1972. He has a studio in Copenhagen and is working at the Danish Art Academy of Design (KADK). EDUCATION Royal College of Art, London, MA Ceramics, UK 2006-08. Konstfack, Stockholm 2005-06. Design School Kolding, BA 2002-05. EXHIBITIONS “Danish Contemporary” Lacoste Gallery, Boston USA 2016. "WORK OF ART", solo, Odder Art Club 2015. Copenhagen Ceramics, duo; "Bright", Gallery R2, Svaneke 2014. "Architectonics" solo, Ann Linnemann gallery; "Biennale Internationale de Vallauris", FR 2013. Puls Contemporary Ceramics; "Inhabitants", Copenhagen Ceramics; "Heliotropes" Ann Linnemann Gallery 2012. "Phoenix Landscapes", Aarhus; Gallery Covenants, Invited by Cramer & Tillitz, Kolding; "Biennial of Craft & Design," Kolding Castle 2011. "Across" New Tap, Carlsberg; "Moving in with Inhabitants", Jantzens Hotel; "Kristine Tillge Lund Invites ..." Puls Contemporary Ceramics, Belgium 2010. GRANT Danish Arts Foundation 2013.
OLE VESTERLUND born 1971 in Denmark. EDUCATION The Danish Design School 2008. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS "Cone Box Show" NCECA, Kansas 2016 "Aquarium", Ann Linnemann Gallery 2015 "Palais Ideal" Museum Jorn, Silkeborg 2014. "Orders" Copenhagen Ceramics 2012. "How queer everything is today " Råhuset and" Spring Exhibition " Charlotteborg 2006. www.olevesterlund.dk
PER AHLMANN - b. 1965, Lemvig, Denmark. EDUCATION Institut for Unika, Designskolen Kolding 1995.
SOLO EXHIBITIONS - Jens Nielsen & Olivia Holm-Møller Museet, Holstebro 2015 - “Scalp” KANT, Copenhagen 2014 - “Checkpoint” Copenhagen Ceramics 2013 - Galleri Pagter, Kolding – m. Cai-Ulrich von Platen 2012 - “Emergens” Danmarks Keramikmuseum CLAY 2009 - “Lir og løgne” Galleri KANT, Fanø 2008 - Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen 2006 - INTERNATIONAL - Contemporary Ceramic Creation, Camard & Associés, Paris 2010,09 - “Biennale Internationale Vallauries” France 2008 - COLLECT international art fair for contemporary objects, London 2007 - Puls Gallery, Contemporary International Ceramics, Brussels 2007 - SOFA Sculpture Objects & Functional Art Chicago 2006. He has received the Danish Art Foundation 3-year stipend. www.perahlmann.dk
SAMUEL CHUNG was born in 1970. He has a Master of Fine Art (1994-97) from Arizona State University, where he has taught since 2007. Samuel Chung has exhibited in the United States, China, Korea, Italy and Denmark. He is active in the organization NCECA, which annually organizes international symposia for teachers and professional potters and ceramic artists in various states in the United States, and he has received several awards, scholarships, guest artist poons and worked as artist-in-residence in China and Denmark.
SANDRA TRUJILLO was born in 1967, Vallejo, California, USA. EDUCATION University of California at Berkeley BA religious studies; University of Colorado in Boulder, MFA ceramics. SELECTED - Portugal: Foundation OBRAS 2017,13,10. Zentrum für Ceramics Berlin, Germany 2015. Georgia College, Professional Faculty Research Leavenworth 2012 - Holland: Foundation OBRAS. Portugal: Foundation OBRAS. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey 2011. Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program: Czech Republic and Hungary 2009. NICHE - American Craft Council 2009. Watershed for the Arts, New Castle, ME, Fellowship & residency 2006. Quarry Tile Co. Spokane, WA , Artist in Residence & Fellowship 2004. Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts. Helena, MT 2002-04. Lilian Fellowship 2002-03. Guldagergaard International Ceramic Cen(er, DK 2002. Mendocino Art Center, CA 2002.
SOPHUS EJLER JEPSEN was born in 1971, lives and works in Askov by Vejen,Denmark. EDUCATION Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen MFA 2005. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 'Over The Moat' Sønderskov Castle, 'Not at Home' Brænderigården Viborg and Ringsted Gallery 2015 - 'Miles away & Tanton' Copenhagen Ceramics, 'Regional Concrete' Kongeåen/ Vejen Art Museum and Aarhus Art Building 2014 - 'Sculpturepress.org' John & Olivia Museum Holstebro, 'Forest Someone' Alt_Cph and 'With clay as a hostage' Vestjyllands Kunstpavillon 2013 - Frontier Lands Exhibition Aabenraa 2013,14 - 'Shadow and Mirror' Vejen Art Museum in 2011.. www.sophusejlerjepsen.dk
STEN LYKKE MADSEN was born in 1937. EDUCATION School of Applied Arts _ 1954-58. EMPLOYEE the Bing & Grondahl and Royal Copenhagen 1962-2003, guest teacher Kolding School of Design 1981-2005. TRAVELS eg. Japan 1979 and 2006. ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE China 2004 International Ceramic Research Center, Guldagergaard from 2003. COUNTLESS EXHIBITIONS in Denmark and abroad: Retrospective solo exhibition Clay Ceramics Museum 2016. Gallery Nørby 1999. Charlottenborg 1975. Puls Contemporary Ceramics, Belgium 2010, SOFA Chicago 2005. Ceramic Ways Exhibitor and Co-founder since 1985 Anniversary Exhibition, Sophienholm 2015. Concorso Internazionale della Ceramica, Faenza, gold winner 1975, 1967. WALL DECORATION Sølvgade 1993 Vesterbrogade, Copenhagen 1978. FOUNTAIN Store Torv, Holstebro 1986. GRANTS Danish Arts Foundation, Danmarks Nationalbank's Anniversary Foundation, Ole Haslund Artist Award and many others.
STEPHEN BOWERS lives and works in Australia. He brings together in his painted ceramic vessels many of the traditions from the history of ceramics. In any one piece, one might find traces of many familiar styles and decorations.
While maintaining a respect for the master techniques, Stephen Bowers' flamboyant and exuberant ceramics combine a classical ceramic heritage with inspiration from indigenous sources and are spiced with dashes of wit. His work is distinguished by intricately painted underglazes which "wear its expertise lightly. He is acknowledged for his detailed pieces, exhibiting in the USA, UK and Australia.
SØREN THYGESEN graduated from Kolding Design School 1987. Own studio since 1987. Employed by Kähler Ceramics, Næstved 1996-2000 designer for Kähler 2007. Associated the Tommerup Ceramic Workshop since 2000 .. EXHIBITIONS Biennale of Craft and Design 2016. The Morsø Art Association 2009. Politiken Talent Award 2008. Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2008, 05, 04, 03. Autumn Art Exhibition 2006 05. Gallery Nørby 2005. Funen Art SAK 2004. Danish Ceramics Triennial, Trapholt 1994. GRANTS Danish Arts Foundation work grant 2001, 2000, 2016. Ole and Yelva Nimbs Fund, honorary award 2004. Ole Haslund Award 1989. Krøjer's Foundation 1987 AWARDS 1st prize Biennial for Craft and Design 2016, Danish Ceramics Triennial Trapholt 1994, Danish Arts Foundation 1993, the exhibition Jutland Roots Aarhus 1990. www.sorenthygesen.com
THEIS LORENTZEN born in 1973. EDUCATION Royal College of Art, London (2016-). Danish Design School, Bornholm BA 2009-12 (KADK). Kerteminde art school 1998-99, Nic. O. Schmidt bronze foundry 1999. Precious metals Francois Deletaille 2000-07. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 'Danish Contemporary' Lacoste Gallery, Boston USA 2016. Ann Linnemann Gallery 2014. Grønbechsgard 2010,12 and Formland 2011, Graduation Exhibition Bornholm Art Museum and School of Library 2012; Upcoming Designers (Formland) 2012. ASSISTANT for A.Tophøj 2012 (Elite Folklore - Copenhagen Ceramics), Ole Jensen 2012 (Form & Fantasy), Anne Tophøj & Steen Ipsen 2011 (Extrudox A/S - Ann Linnemann Gallery) TEACHER Denmark Design School, Bornholm 2012-13, Kofoed School and AOF-school 2013; - EMPLOYEE at Ditte Fischer 2013, Product design for Kähler Ceramics 2013.
ULLA BECH BRUUN born in 1979, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. EDUCATION Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts MFA 2012. Master of Psychology, University of Copenhagen 2006. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 'Transfer' Eurohíd Foundation & Hungarian National Museum - Esztergom Castle Museum Rondella Gallery, Budapest, HU 2016. 'Its CLAY' Ann Linnemann Gallery 2015. 'Zimmer Frei' Koldinghus, 'Form Language' Ann Linnemann Gallery 2014. 'Trusted doubt' Vejen Art Museum,'SKIN' w. Mikkel S.Andersen BKS Garage Copenhagen, 'Landscape/Mind 'group w. Francois Top and Timo Andersen NEXUS Aabenraa 2013. 'Pupae' solo in co-operation Copenhagen Philharmonics Radio Concert Hall 2012. 'Departure 2012' Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Nikolaj. 'Konstance Luns Cabinet' solo Gallery Q 2011. 'Images Between Man' Rohde Contemporary DK 2010. www.ullabech-bruun.dk
URSULA MUNCH-PETERSEN was born in 1937 on the island Bornholm. Following has her studio experience on The Hjorts Factory in Ronne and education at the Arts&Crafts School (now: Royal Academy Design school) 1956-60, she was employed at Artist Studios of the porcelain factory Bing & Grondahl 1961-68, and designer for The Royal Copenhagen and Kaehler. She has received numerous grants and awards including The Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark's National Banks Foundation, Bindesbøll Medal, Ole Haslund's Artist Award, Arts&Crafts Council, - is a Knight of the Dannebrog. Following an active life as a craftsman and designer with travelling, teaching and exhibitions in Denmark and abroad among others Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, the USA, Mexico and China, she has her studio and home in Copenhagen and at the island of Møn. She designed among others faïence tableware 'Ursula' Royal Copenhagen in 1992, pieces in The Larch Set 1994 - and recent public commission is 'Timetable' for the Ancient Roman Road, Jutland 2010.
VIBEKE RYTTER (b. 1967) Vibeke Rytter graduated from the Danish Design School, ceramics & glass 1986-90 and the Royal Danish School of Architecture in Copenhagen 1997-04.
In 2001-02 she was a guest student at the Academy of Fine Art by Professor Morten Stræde, - and from 2011 conducting a research project 'Glazed Lightweight-Construction Components' at the Danish School of Architecture and the Technology Institute.
She has received several travel and work-grants from the Danish Arts Foundation, Beckett Foundation and National Bank Jubilee Fund. She has travelled and studied in the United States, Cuba, Russia, Greenland, Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, Italy, Tanzania ... - and participated in several exhibitions in Denmark and abroad. www.Vibekerytter.dk