Nina Malterud & Gunhild Rudjord
Exhibition 22 September – 22 October 2016
Nordic ceramic pieces in harmony and interaction
Two Nordic artists exhibit new ceramic pieces that reflect colours and nature in Scandinavian tones.
Interaction and opposition of the artists' pieces, Nordic expression with personal uniqueness in decoration and colour delight, in pictorial, abstract patterns and colour combinations - from stylish colour choices to powerful pictorial compositions with a clear nature reference.
Both work from the plate as a basic shape for the surface, layer upon layer of textural glazes, but their artistic expressions move in different directions.

NINA MALTERUD achieves that her objects become alive through several layers of glaze firing, where she is looking for signs of the process, such as crackle, pinholes and other ceramic 'faults'. Artistic expression ranks higher than the useful - however, these objects are linked to a rich tradition of function.

NINA MALTERUD ”For some years I have explored plane forms with a small vibrant edge, making the object into a kind of vessel or plate.
The object becomes alive and achieves its artistic value through many layers of glazing and firing.

I include and build on signs of the process, such as crackles, pinholes and other ceramic 'faults'. The artistic expression rank higher than the useful - however, these objects are still linked to the rich tradition of function.

I am meticulous in the final selection.
More than in earlier works I make use of the new potentials in the ceramic media and processes, especially the glaze. Material depth of colours and structures obtained through the processes.
The meeting between strict form and unexpected effects.
The objects are made of earthenware, with a roller pin and manipulation of the edges. Glaze fired at about 1060 Celsius.

SELECTED - Solo exhibition Artist's Association (Kunstnerforbundet), Oslo 2012, after 9-year break from the studio work. Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts, Honorary Award 2005. Solo exhibition RAM Gallery, Oslo 2003. The initiator of the journal 'Kunsthåndverk', a member of the Editorial Board 1979. Working for ceramist Lisbet Dæhlin at Frysja Art Centre in 1975, set up own workshop, later with Beth Wyller. Summer workshop with fellow students in North Norway - Completion of training in ceramics at the National College of Art and Design, Oslo 1974. www.ninamalterud.no
GUNHILD RUDJORD is masterful in her ability to exploit the particular transformation that takes place during ceramic firing process.

She works primarily with the well-known ceramic archetypes - the vessel or plate as 'canvas' and creates beautifully decorated pieces where the ornamental motifs - often inspired by nature - are manifested in an exuberant interaction with glaze effects, colour depth, gloss and obvious signs of melting process.
She acknowledges an early inspiration from the renowned Danish designer, Bindesbøll (1846-1908), but has developed a very personal artistic language.

”I let the landscapes and spaces appear from the layers of slips and glazes in the firing. In my new pieces, the ornament has dissolved, there is less use of slips, giving the glazes more freedom. Several glazes are in action.
The immediate expression, material and colour delight are atmospheric and associative.
The plates are red earthenware, decorated with slip and glazed with various glazes at 1040 C.
My inspiration may be a voyage sailing along the north coast of Norway some time in September when the sea and sky, clouds and lights somehow leave an imprint on the eye.”

She lives in Faaborg and works at The Tommerup Ceramic Workshop as the glaze master since 1987, including cooperation with Bjørn Nørgaard.. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS Gallery Pagter, Kolding, 2016; Copenhagen Ceramics, 2014; Gallery Modern, Silkeborg 2013; Himmerland Art Museum 2011 and Art Center Brænderigården, Viborg, 2006; Danish Ceramics Triennial, 1994. COMMISSION PROJECTS large vase for the Danish Crown Prince Couple in 2004, 2m tall vase for Faaborg and 100 dishes for The New Carlsberg Foundation. SCHOLARSHIPS AND SALES to The Danish Arts Foundation and The New Carlsberg Foundation. Member of the Board of The ceramics museum Clay. www.keramos.dk
Grateful thanks to The Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Crafts and Design Project Funding of The Ann Linnemann Gallery's international exhibitions and promotion in 2016.

Born 1961 in Norway.
Lives and works in Faaborg/Tommerup, Denmark
EDUCATION Kolding Design School, 1983–87.
REPRESENTED The Danish Arts Foundation; The New Carlsberg Foundation; Museum of International Ceramic Art, Funen, DK; Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim, Norway; Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum, Tønder, DK; Fu Le, International Ceramic Art Museum, Fuping, Xian, China.
SELECTED EXHIBITIONS Galleri Moderne, Silkeborg 2013 ; Galleri Weber with Sys Hindsbo, Svendborg 2012; Galleri Pagter, solo, Kolding, 2011; Himmerlands Museum of Art with Kirsten Klein(photography), Aars, 2011; Clausens Kunsthandel with Knud Odde, Albert Mertz, Copenhagen 2009; Kunsthallen Brænderigården, (solo) Viborg 2006; Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen, with Edmund De Waal, 2004.
SELECTED COMMISIONS 2 m vase for Faaborg, 2012; 100 plates for New Carlsberg Foundation (100 year) Copenhagen 2006; 3 m vase for the Danish Crown Prince Couple, Fredensborg 2004.
PUBLICATIONS Contemporary Ceramics by Emmanuel Cooper, Thames and Hudson – The Potbook by Edmund De Waal, Amazon.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (selected) Glazemaker at Tommerup Keramiske Værksted since 1987.
Member of the board at Museum of International Ceramic Art (Grimmerhus), Funen, DK.

NINA MALTERUD - www.ninamalterud.no
Born in Oslo 1951. Lives and works in Norway.
1971–74 Ceramics at National College of Art and Design (SHKS), Oslo
1975– Frysja Art Centre Oslo, and in Bergen
2012- Senior adviser part time on education structure issues
2002-10 Rector
1998-02 Pro Rector
1994-02 Professor in Ceramics
2012-14 Senior adviser 20 %, artistic research and accreditation issues
2011-14 Co-responsible for annual Supervisors’ Seminar
2003-14 Member of the Steering Committee
2014-15 Adviser for the project INTERIMP at the Norwegian Academy of Music
2004-09 Responsible for Sensuous Knowledge, annual conferences and publication series, supported by the Research Council of Norway
2002 something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, publication,
2002 Project leader from KHiB in Burning Point Bergen, Ceramics
1950-2000 publication, film, exhibition and seminar by Bergen National Academy of the Arts
/The West Norway Museum of Decorative Art
2015, 2012, 2003, 2000, 90, 89, 84 Museums of Decorative Art in Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim
2003 The Art Museum of Northern Norway
2003 Drammens Museum
2000,89,88,84,83,80,78 Arts Council Norway
1991 Østfold County
1990 Sogn and Fjordane County Gallery
1984,83,80 Riksgalleriet
2005 Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts: Honorary Award
1989 Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts: Grant
1992,85 Government’s Travel Grant
1985 Houen’s Foundation Grant
1979-81 Government’s Work Grant
1978 Government’s Materials Grant
2015 KRAFT Bergen
2014 Hå gamle prestegård (South West of Norway)
2013 Gallery Format, Bergen
2013 Rom8, Bergen
2012 Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2005 Rackstadmuseet, Sweden
2003 RAM Gallery, Oslo
1989,84,80 Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
1989 National Museum of Decorative Arts, Trondheim
1989, 84 F15 Gallery
2015 SOFA Chicago (Gallery Format)
2013 Collect, London
2009 Vevring Exhibition
2003 Burning Point Bergen, The West Norway Museum of Decorative Arts, Bergen
2002 Keramik aus Norwegen, Galerie Handwerk, München
2000 Flyvende tallerkner og andre fat, Bomuldsfabriken, Arendal
1999 Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
1999 Norwegian Contemporary Ceramics, Amsterdam
1998 Tendencies, F15 Gallery
1996 Ceramic Art Exhibition, Perugia
1994 Artists’ House, Gvarv Telemark
1994 Olympia Collection, Lillehammer
1990 Norwegian Ceramics 1940–1990, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, Oslo
1990 Ukraina – Norge, a Developing Tradition, Norsk Folkemuseum
1990 Hordaland Art Centre
1990 6 sider av samme sak, RAM Gallery, Oslo
1984 Norway Now, travelling exhibition England
1983 Frysja på by’n, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, Oslo
2016 Pottery is back Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2014 Annual exhibition Craft 2014, Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts
2003 Ceramic Triennale, The Vigeland Museum, Oslo
2000,1975-93 Annual exhibition Craft, Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts
1991 Krysspunkt, Henie Onstad Art Centre
Public Art Norway (now KORO)
1994 Asker and Bærum District Court
1993 Kongsberg Engineering University College
1990 Bergen Prison
1985 Sessvollmoen Military Camp
1985 Norwegian Embassy Riyadh
1992 Tingvang, Øystre Slidre Municipality
1991 Renaissance 7 (cruise boat)
1989 Den Norske Creditbank
1979-87 Initiative to establish the journal, member of Editorial Board, co-author of many texts
BIOGRAPHY (details)

Born 1961 Trondheim, Norway. Lives in Denmark since 1981.
EDUCATION Design School - Kolding, 1983–87
Glaze responsible at Tommerup Ceramic Workshops since 1987
Board of directors, CLAY Museum of International Ceramic Art, Funen, DK.
2016 Gallery Pagter, Kolding, DK
Ann Linnemann Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
2015 Galerie Espen Art Denor, Cannes
2014 Copenhagen Ceramics, DK
2013 Gallery Moderne, Silkeborg, DK
2012 Gallery Weber, w Sys Hindsbo, Svendborg, DK
September Exhibition, Fanø Art Museum, DK
2011 Gallery Pagter, solo exhibition, Kolding, DK
Himmerland Art Museum, med Kirsten Klein, Aars, DK
2009 Clausens Kunsthandel, w Knud Odde & Albert Mertz, Copenhagen, DK
2008 Gallery NB, Summer Exhibition, Viborg, DK
2007 Gallery Wolfsen, Contemporary Ceramics Aalborg, DK
2006 Art Centre Brænderigården, solo exhibition, Viborg, DK
2005 Fu Le International Ceramic Art Museum, Fuping, Xian, China
2004 Gallery Nørby, solo exhibition, Copenhagen, DK
2003 Nordenfjeldske Art Museum, solo exhibition, Trondheim, N
Sønderjyllands Art Museum, solo exhibition, Tønder, DK
Gallery Carsten Frøkjær, solo exhibition, Copenhagen, DK
2002 Omkring Nyholm, Silkeborg Art Museum, DK
Gallery Franz Pedersen, Horsens, DK
Denmark's Ceramics Museum - CLAY, From Clay to Ceramics, DK
2001 Gallery Pagter, Kolding, solo exhibition, DK
Gallery Carsten Frøkjær, solo exhibition, Copenhagen, DK
2000 Standpunkte, Denmark's Ceramics Museum - CLAY, DK
1999 Gallery Carsten Frøkjær, solo exhibition, Hellerup, DK
Standpunkte, Keramion, Frechen
1998 Erik Nyholm/ Gunhild Rudjord, Gimsinghoved, Struer, DK
Ceramic Art from Tommerup 1987-98, Ceramics Museum - CLAY, Funen, DK
1997 Fade, Galleri Pagter, Kolding, DK
Dansk Keramik 1850-1997, Sophienholm Art Museum, Lyngby, DK
Gallery Nørby, solo exhibition, Copenhagen, DK
1996 A Keramisk Univers, 23 Nordic Ceramists, Kulturspinderiet, Silkeborg, DK
1995 International Contemporary Artists in Clay, Gallery Vroumans, Amsterdam
Keramisk Dialog, Keramikaze, SAK Svendborg, DK
1994 The Danish Triennial, Trapholt Art Museum, Kolding, DK