MASTERPIECES 10th Anniversary Exhibition
Exhibition 1 March - 21 April 2018
A Treasury of Masterpieces - inspiration, models and clay sketches
The gallery celebrates its 10th anniversary with a string of art pieces by more than 60 exhibitors, showing their private selection of special and unknown pieces, significant model sketches for inspiration, proposals for major projects.

In the spirit of the Gallery, it is possible to look into a treasury of ideas and ceramics of traditional, conceptual and humorous nature.

The Gallery is small, but the 'ceiling high' when it comes to quality - promoting, professional and idealistic. In collaboration with the artists, the Gallery has shown about 100 exhibitions, often in a combination of recognised established and new talents, international names in relation to Danish colleagues and thematic exhibitions, - focusing on current traditional and experimental contemporary ceramic art and unique ceramic pieces.

Ann Linnemann has been working at the location for 20 years. The first years with her own studio and private showroom, but from 2008 also exhibiting and promoting ceramic contemporary art and unique crafts by Danish and international colleagues. The exhibitions have continuously informed the audience of contemporary ceramic art. It has been a busy and eventful time with many interesting visits, amazing art pieces and stories from the real life :-)

THANK YOU to all the exhibitors who have shown their great pieces in the Gallery over the years. Also grateful thanks to the Danish Art Foundation, Ellen & Knud Dalhoff Larsens Fond, Danmarks Nationalbank's Anniversary Foundation, L.F.Foghts Fond, OJD Fonden, and art associations, private collectors, faithful customers, colleagues, friends and family for invaluable support.
(Hight x Width x Depth)

Stoneware, thrown, modelled
23 x 19 x 17 cm
One of the first pieces creating the ideas of many more.
Born 1972, DK - www.anedavidsen.blogspot.com

Porcelain, graphic print, glaze, gas kiln 1280C.
12,5 x 25 cm
The starting point for all my graphic porcelain is the conch shell, using the industrial stretch mesh as tangible material, the ornament is created, rewritten and worked endlessly. (Photo O.Akhøj)
Born 1952, DK - www.anekatrinevonbulow.dk

33 x 37 cm
Simplicity, tranquility. Shape, color and drawing are united.
Born 1952, DK - www.annefloche.dk

- Archive Lab, 2015
Ceramic shards, glazes, melted, coredrilling
12 x 9 x 9 cm + søjle
A study that can move in many directions. Interdisciplinary collaboration with material blends of glaze and clay, core-drilling.
Born 1959, DK - www.aaa-fff-mmm.dk

Porcelain shards, fused. Weed, moss
9 x 10 cm
A new upcycle project inspired by wild plants in urban culture - on nature's conquest of human-made. Ceramic cup shards and growth in a common life, - about decay and life cycle.
Born 1957, DK - Ann Linnemann studio
Porcelain, modelled and cast
5 x 19 x 19 cm
The work is a derelict and shattering from my everyday function-product casting. I have played with the forms that I make for Michelin restaurants and put them together challengingly.
Born 1965, DK - www.annemettekissow.dk

Stoneware, oxydation 1280 C.
14 x 22 cm
A special glaze expression inspired a start of my project on thrown vessels. Fascination of the SkarpSalling Kar, a historic vessel of great artistic craftsmanship, always part of new interpretation.
Born 1951, DK - www.havlitstentoj.dk

Clay, perlite, terra sigillata, stains, earth colours
18 x 16 x 17 cm
Three-dimensional drawing, a work that points towards airy constructions.
Born 1958, Sweden - www.barbroaberg.com

Stoneware, painted dekoration
18 x 16 cm
Inspired by rhythmic motifs and - a play with dimensions.
Born 1942, DK - www.beate-andersen.dk

- Jewelery for a jewelry box, 2017-18
Stoneware, transfer decoration, thrown model
5 small ovals. Hight 6-12 cm
Metamorphoses through countless firings, in various temperatures. (Photo: Ole Akhøj)
Born 1943, DK - www.bentehansen.dk

Stoneware & glaze, modelled
H 24 x Ø 25 cm
Often inspiration is gained in nature's own formal principles and phenomena, and this time the starting point is the American Ribbegople Mnemiopsis leidyi, also known as the Kill Mount.
Actually, I was initially fascinated by its simple shape with the 8 ribs that I could instantly transform into ceramic form with ample opportunity for artistic variations, but its silent weightlessness is also a challenging reference to work with in my material. (Photo: Ole Akhøj)
Born 1961, DK - www.skjoettgaard.dk

Porcelain, thrown, silkscreen print, brush, 1265C
H 30 x D 22 cm
With references to the history of my subject area and my own family history, I have chosen this jar for Masterpieces. A mix between factual registration and free imagination.
Born 1955, DK - www.better-lubbert.com

Porcelain, blue Japanese wave decal, glaze
10 x 31 x 38 cm.
The piece was a great and exciting challenge, inspired by inhibited lung function. A pain, a feeling of suffocation. Decal print is a Japanese traditional pattern transformed.

Modelled porcelain paper, oxide crayon, glaze. Japan.
10 x 15 x 35 cm.
The work is a rethink of old drawings. I am inspired by the yoga position The Children's Position, the colorful graphic surface is inspired by the painter Egon Schiele. An expression translated into 3D and ceramics, as an extension of my other body pieces.
Born 1982, DK - www.birgittechristens.dk

Cylinder, porcelain, paint & transfer, lustre..
10,5 x 11,5 cm
The cylinder was cast, dried, bisqued. After high glaze firing, it appeared full of iron stains. On my way to the bin, I thought - no. Tried my red Japanese color in a new low firing. Next fired yellow and turquoise transfers. It looked no good, - I became stubborn, in a way found it's ugliness interesting, perhaps even beautiful. Fired with luster, again in a different temperature. After 5 firings, it has become my little problem child. Masterpiece - yes, maybe only for myself.
Born 1943, DK - www.bodilmanz.com
Stoneware & porcelain, modelled, gas fired
32 x 28 x 7 cm
Rhythmic planes captured in a simple structure.
Born 1973, DK - www.charlottethorup.dk

Cut, thrown stoneware, wood fired 1360C
40 x 27 x 27 cm
Throwing is my language. The piece tells me about relationship of structure and shape, change in the firing, and other matters I do not completely control, maybe more in a dialogue. The piece is a study for a series of larger jars created in collaboration with potters in Vietnam.
Born 1963, DK - www.christianbruun.com

– Fusion, between body and object, 2018
Porcelain basket, woven/braided lamb intestines
10 x 15 cm
Heavy, lazy, liquid clay is braided in fragile lamb intestines. The body meets the material.
Born 1960, DK - www.dortekristoffersen.dk

Porcelain and metal wire
10 x 16 x 13 cm
When I lost my sister and my husband a few years ago, the thin porcelain became a symbol of the fragility of life. Shown in this work, the decoration is also a picture of fertility and life.
DORTHE SØNDERGAARD (b. 1961, DK..Norway) was educated at the Design School in Copenhagen (KADK) 1981-87. Designer for LEGO a/s 1987-94. Living in Norway since 1995. EXHIBITIONS Galleri Svalbard, Bærum Kunsthall, Heine Onstad Kunstcenter, Oppland Kunstcenter, Galleri Format, Ann Linnemann Gallery. OUTDOOR COMMISSIONS Norske konsulat Spanien, Udenrigsministeriet Oslo, Statens Vejvæsen. SALES TO Inkøbsfondet for Norsk Kunsthåndværk, Norsk Kulturministerium, Norsk Forskningsråd. GRANTS & AWARDS Knud Højgård's Foundation, Statens Exhibition stipend, Norsk Kulturråd. MEMBER Norske Billedkunstnere, Norske Kunsthåndværkere.

Modelled stoneware, glaze (wall pieces)
1. Light - 2. Red - 3. Dark, 15-25 cm
Challenged by the qualities of the material and testing limits on its ability, the small wall objects can be seen as drafting larger works, but are also art objects in their own right.
Born 1972, DK - www.esbenklemann.dk

Black clay sculpture, glass/aquarium
5 x 35 x 36 cm
Sculpture made of unfired clay and dissolved in water in an aquarium, that is then dried up with the 'sculpture' located in the frame/tray and fired all together at 1260C.
FLOPPER/CHRISTIAN MASTRUP (b. 1974, DK) was educated at the Royal Danish Art Academy 2006-12; Nordic Sound Art, Skandinavia 2010-12. EXHIBITIONS Kunsthal Copenhagen, Krabbesholm højskole, 2018. Window 107, Istedgade 2017. Galleri Ruth: Lofoten 2017, Himmerland 2016. Ann Linnmann Gallery 2015. Vejen Art Museum 2014. Sejerøfestival 2014. Installation, Kulturnatten Assistenskirkegården 2014,13. Solo, Mohs Galleri 2013. Museet for Samtidskunst 2012. Nikolai Kunsthal 2012. Lakfestival 2012. HOUHOT Art Academy Mongoliet 2011. Singuhr Sound Gallery, Berlin 2011., Japanske Ambassade 2011. Installation Furesø Kommune 2009. Kellokoski skulptursymposium, Finland 2009 Half-Machine Copenhagen 2003-08. Technical installations at Signa Sørensen 2004-06.

Modelled stoneware with slip
23 x 9 x 9 cm.
"Black P" is one of my many clay sketches used as inspiration and testing of ideas that may develop into future pieces. (Photo: Sigge Kærn)
Born 1939, DK - www.gunhildaaberg.dk

Modelled, stoneware, turquoise w. head
26 x 15 x 15 cm
I have chosen this piece, because it showed me a path to new form investigations.

Ship & Fish, modelled stoneware, mix media
BALLAST: Nature - Kebnekajse - Arts Crafts Schools - Clay - Kähler - Harry Davis - Throwing - Mason Worker - Geology - Fulby - Machiko - Karnak - Kiln Building - Children - Zimbabwe - The Permanente - Swaziland - Bechyneè 68 - Cork - Porcelain - Jingdezhen - Salt Glaze - La Borne - Kalamata - Space - Aberystwyth - Keramisto - Novgorod - Lady Square - Tomastown - Korea - St.Sulpice - Kilkenny - Westerwald - Esfahan - Bamboo - Korea - South Africa - cobblestones - Potfest - CLAY.

- by a Master "gemacht"
Molded porcelain, inlaid clay and painted
15 x 14 x 20 cm
Organic cubic approach in the pieces, ReDesign, made of 'recycled' parts of own bowls.
Born 1943, DK - www.gerdoghans.dk

Stoneware, black glaze
14 x 11,5 cm
A strong primordial force, where connections of coincidence create the character. Fascination of materials and firing process.
Born 1950, DK - www.hansvangsoe.dk

Porcelain, slap technique, nature objects from New Zealand and Nexø
15 x 13 x 8 cm
Geometry and nature in playful interaction.
Born 1975, DK - www.heidihentze.dk

Modelled porcelain, raw clay, silk mat glaze
12 x 11 x 10 cm
This little piece contains all the fine and special of porcelain. From the series "Underwater Flowers"
Born 1965, DK - www.hellevestergaard.com

Modelled stoneware, oil/acrylic paint
11 x 8 x 17 cm/ 11 x 10 x 10 cm
Cross-border material composition - oil/acrylic color on clay. The cocoon's colors are inspired by the fully developed butterfly or beetle.

Modelled, unglazed, red earthenware
10 x 21 x 21 cm.
Suddenly and inexplicably, societies of bees become extinct: Colony Collapse Disorder.
A specific explanation is not known. My modelling of dead bees are - in addition to working with the complex shape and surface, commenting on the prevailing hunt, there is in our society for optimizing yield and growth that affects the delicate balances in nature and may have fatal consequences.
Born 1969, DK - Inger Heebøll

Thrown white and red earthenware
29 x 24 x 24 cm
The piece is a preliminary study of a stacked pillar. As a study, it contains the essence of possibilities and paths where I can go with the project, reminding me that it might just have begun. (Photo: Ole Akhøj)
Born 1973, DK - Instagram: jane_holmberg

Porcelain, glaze. Frame cast in porcelain
30 X 20 X 10 cm
My fascination with material, texture and texture in clay and glaze. The tactile, combinations. Showing that small samples are significant, they are put in a "gold frame" of porcelain. Four small miniatures gathered in one Masterpiece.
Born 1971, Borås.. DK - www.jeanettehiiri.com

Oil painting
40 x 30 cm
Diversity has always been a topic for me. Therefore, as a consequence, I painted a Nature Morte.
Born 1957, DK - www.jesperpalm.dk

Cast porcelain, crystal glaze.
30 x 30 x 25 cm
My masterpiece is a vase with crystal glaze. It's one of the samples I can not sell. It is wild, reminding me of sea bed with seaweed a warm summer day in an adventurous lake. Often admired in my studio, especially by colleagues. The vase was an experiment that ended up perfect.
Born 1979, DK - www.princessofkeramos.blogspot.com

3D printed porcelain, celadon glaze
Hight 17 cm
Ideally and technically, everything are transformed, from sound and other natural phenomena to digital codes, which are then 3D-printed directly of porcelain.
Born South Afrika..UK - www.keep-art.co.uk

Auto-lackered MDF and glazed earthenware
38 x 25 x 25 cm
Despite its outward attitude, the sculpture is maintained in its own space. Object and podium become one piece. (Own photo)
Born 1943, DK - www.karenbennicke.dk

"Handheld" and digital 3D printed porcelain
20 x 20 x 20 cm
Imaginary town – illusion of the future or ruins of the past. An idea for a possible future architectural design located elsewhere in our galaxy or maybe an ancient ruin complexes.
In my studies of digital and bodily 3d print with porcelain, I am particularly pleased with how this little sculpture fell out.
Born 1963, Japan..DK - www.karenharsbo.dk

Porcelain, modelled, molded, wood-fired
8 x 20 x 20 cm
The lidded jars always fall out differently. They become little personalities for me, boosting my imagination.
Born 1947, DK - www.karinmichelsen.dk

Thrown cylinder, stoneware, 1170C
23 x 25 cm
I consider this piece a signature piece for me, as the cylinder, cut ornaments and working with glazes and firing constantly intrigues me.
Born 1952, DK - Kim Holm

Handthrown porcelain, slip/glaze, decals - 28 cm
Modelled porcelain, slip/glaze, yellow thread
My images are everyday reflections, thoughts and conversations. Words, phrases, metaphors, sound, clear and muddled impressions, distinct stories - and feelings.
Born 1979, DK - www.kirstenhoholt.dk

1. Three travel sketches from Tunesia, 1971.
Modelled, white clay

3D Sketch for temporary installation, Eventyrhaven, Odense 1993-95
3. Katrine - Model balzer wood, sketches on paper
FOUNTAIN project Katrinegården, Hjørring 1985
Born 1943, DK - www.kirstenjustesen.com

Salt fired earthenware
Hight 30 cm
KURT WEISER (b. 1950, USA) was educated at the Interlochen Arts Academy, MI, 1967-69; Kansas City Art Institute, MO, BFA 1972; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, MFA 1976. He lives and has his studio in Arizona and Montana, USA. COLLECTIONS V&A Museum; Los Angeles Museum of Art; Carnegie Museum of Art; Museum of Contemporary Ceramics, Shigaraki, Japan; Mint Museum of Craft and Design; Racine Art Museum, National Museum of History, Taipei. AWARDS Aileen Osborn Webb National Artist Award, 2003; American Craft Council College of Fellows, 2003; Arizona Commission on the Arts, Artist Fellowship, 1999; National Endowment for the Arts, Artist Fellowship, 1992, 89. USA Artists Fellowship 2012. 1988 Professor, Arizona State University, currently Regents Professor. Exhibitions in Ann Linnemann Gallery 2016,10.

Porcelain, modelled
11 x 12 x 14 cm
With simple grips, I explore the clay's expressions in a partially controlled process that also involves the qualities of the coincidences.
Born 1977, DK - www.leamiengholm.dk

Stoneware decorated with sinter slip
18 × 20 cm
Examination of supporting and lifting a dish or bowl up so that the structure becomes a visible and integral part of the whole.
Born 1951, DK - www.lisbiggas.dk

Thrown, high-fired earthenware, two parts
The southern European pharmacy jar, albarello, has for many years been the basis for my jars, together with structural relief patterns and dusty liquid glaze deposits. Currently I am occupied making pedestals for my works.
LIS EHRENREICH (b. 1953) was educated at the Jutland Art Academy, Aarhus 1976-81 and has since then had her studio in Aarhus. EXHIBITIONS in Danish and International Galleries, Gallerie Besson, London and Kaolin, Stockholm. REPRESENTED at museums in Europe and USA.

The motif is painted with clay colours, transferred to clay slaps, oval form, stoneware
28,5 x 31,5 x 10,5 cm
I chose this piece because it is a new area for me to work with, - and here the choice of colours, motives and relationship with the oval form goes into a unit.
Born 1952, DK - www.lisbethholst-jensen.dk

Stoneware and porcelain, thrown and modelled
28 x 32 cm
The challenge of craftsmanship to be in the spirit of presence. Inspired by the cultural city of Aarhus and the subject Danish Crafts and Design Association discussed in connection with the events.
Born 1952, DK - www.loneborgen.dk

- White object with yellow dots, 2017
Stoneware, modelled and cut, 1260C
17 x 14, 5 x 12 cm
Dette værk er opstået ved en tilfældighed.
I was sitting a long time with a bigger work that did not work out, at last I realized it would not succeed. I ended up having to cut it and thus created this work. Somehow it got a certain bias, which I think is really nice.
Born 1964, DK - www.loneskovmadsen.dk

Porcelain, slap technique, inlaid colored porcelain.
15 cm x 18 cm + 2 small samples
Polyrytm is part of "Polyrytmic style exercises" where I work systematically with repetition and rhythm in a complex combination of different lines. The small samples show that the applied stripes have different widths in the front and the back, and that these can be used to create pattern.
Born 1965, DK - www.westphaell.dk

Earthenware, cut out with a knife from a 10 kg clay block
4 x 14 x 24 cm
I was born and raised at the moor, the flat landscape that seems infinite. The eyes look out and over it. To me it's a poetic sight. The lean earth where little humble things grow up bearing a stormy life and power in itself.
Born 1975, DK - www.louisegaarmann.dk

Porcelain with charmotte
6,5 x 14,5 cm
An experimental work of glaze and the immediate expression. I have done this work at the design school, it felt like magic. Now it's ready to be seen by others. When does an object go from being sketch to become a definitive piece?
LOUISE SIDELMANN (b. 1976, DK) was educated at the Design School Kolding 2002-07, Pre-School Euc Haslev 2000-01, Aarhus Art Academy 1998-99. EXHIBITIONS Ann Linnemann Galleri: ´World-Cup´ 2018, ´Dialogue´ 2017, ´FormSprog-TankeSpind´ 2016. ´Landskaber` Kammer Gallery Lemvig 2016. Officinet Copenhagen ´Til ingen verdens nytte? ´curated by Lars Kærulf Møller 2014 and ´Illusion´2013. ´Sikken Fest´, Møstings Hus 2012. ´Form Art´, Glinde, Germany 2011. ´Limfjordens efterårsudstilling, Gimsinghoved; ´Forårsudstillingen´, Charlottenborg 2009. `Ler08´,SAK, Svendborg. ´Projekt netværk´, Danmarks Keramikmuseum CLAY 2008.

- Light blue Trilubite net with yellow tips
Thrown, drawn, carved, oval bottom, 1270C
19 x 16 cm
Spherical or watery deep-sea jellyfish is wearer of flow, creating a rush of time from when the world was quite young. (Photo: O.Akhøj)
Born 1949, DK - www.malenemullertz.dk

Earthenware, thrown and modelled
30 x 28 x 13 cm
The teapot is a symbiotic relationship between free and playful, but at the same time leans up of the good and classic workmanship. - And then I'd like to be able to walk in stilettos ..
Born 1952, DK - www.malenemoellerhansen.dk

High-fire earthenware, thrown, reduction 1160C
13,5 x 19 cm
I have chosen this piece because it challenged me in a new way. A new combination of black and brown.
Born 1945, DK - www.mette-augustinus-poulsen.dk

Modelled, porcelain, glaze
12 x 12 x 12 cm
Exploring the architectural space in conjunction with the spacious, poetic narrative and pure geometric form. References to cultural experience, urban communities and life forms, abstract visions.
METTE-MARIE ØRSTED (b. 1952, DK) was educated at the Design School Copenhagen (KADK) 1973-77. EXHIBITIONS Ceramic Concretion Ann Linnemann Gallery 2013; Butik for Borddækning, Copenhagen 2010, 2008; Gallery Pagter, Kolding 2007; Kander klippet med en saks, Gallery Nørby 2005. Biennial for Arts, Crafts and Design 2007,02, Trapholt and Koldinghus; Design Museum Denmark. AWARDS Danish Arts Foundation, Gertrud Vasegård Award, Bergiafonden, Nordea Danmark Fonden, Danmarks Nationalbank's Anniversary Foundation, Danish Ceramic Triennial Award. Own studio since 1990. Member of the Danish Arts, Crafts and Design Association.

Hand-thrown stoneware sculpture
5.5 x 9 x 9 cm
A small outline of a rotated figure which is at a standstill, with three supporters. The idea is that the small clay sketch, maybe one day may be the pathway to the masterpiece. I'm always on my way! When it is not a sketch anymore, is it then a masterpiece? Is it a masterpiece when it dares to stand all alone in the world?
Born 1970, DK - www.monavander.dk

Stoneware, thrown, modelled, glazed
12 x 25 x 18 cm
The jar, the flower, the glaze - a contribution from each of three ceramic artists, assembled in one piece.
(Photo: Ole Akhøj)
Collaboration piece by the artists:
Marianne NIELSEN (b. 1971, DK) - www.mariannenielsen.com
Helene STOCKMARR Gerdorf (b. 1971, DK) - www.helenestockmarr.dk
Marianne KRUMBACH (b. 1970, DK) - www.mariannekrumbach.dk

Vase, thrown porcelain, coarse recycle clay
23 x 17 cm
Tektonika is inspired by the way the tectonic plates push towards each other through the surface of the earth. At the same time there is a meeting between unordered coarse surfaces and the fine twisted porcelain. I work with the contrast between the perfect and the imperfect, on the edge of when the shape is resolved.
Born 1979, DK - www.formuleret.dk

Born 1949, DK - www.oleakhoej.dk

Earthenware, pressed and modelled
42 x 19 cm
The work brings together several themes for my work. Formatus Arabiae is balancing, bodily and has references to formly archetypes.
Born 1971, DK - www.olevesterlund.dk

Thrown corpus, modelled figure
19 x16 cm.
Earthenware with majolika glaze and black glaze.
Born 1948, DK - www.pederrasmussen.dk

Stoneware, faience
37 x 40 x 45 cm
The work "Arousal" represents a point in my work, where my background as a ceramicist and my fascination with the sculpture as a form of expression unite in a complexity that I then sought.
Born 1965, DK - www.perahlmann.dk

Hand-thrown porcelain, glaze, high fired
Born 1954, UK.. AU - www.pruevenables.com

Modelled, recycled parts, painted, print
Born 1941, USA - www.richardshawart.com

Hand thrown porcelain, brush painted, glazed
Born 1970, USA - www.samchungceramics.com

1997 - 2003
Porcelain, modelled, two parts
1: 4 x 4 x 38 cm - 2: 12 x 12 x 16 cm
My first attempt with "winged" works. The black is raku fired and dates back to the 90's, when I lived in the countryside. The white is a "city" version, inspired by my relocation to the city.
Born 1951, Italy..DK - www.sandradavolio.dk

Modeled porcelain, brush painted, glazed
Born 1963, Russia..USA - www.sergeiisupov.com

29 x 27 cm
(Photo: Ole Akhøj)
Born 1966, DK - www.steen-ipsen.dk

Modelled porcelain, painted, wood fired
STEN LYKKE MADSEN (b. 1937, DK) was educated at the School of Applied Arts, Copenhagen 1954-58. EMPLOYEE Bing & Grondahl and Royal Copenhagen 1962-03, guest teacher Kolding School of Design 1981-05. TRAVELS eg. Japan 1979 and 2006. ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE China 2004 International Ceramic Research Center, Guldagergaard from 2003. EXHIBITIONS 'Ceramic Ways' exhibitor and Co-founder since 1985, CLAY Museum 2017, Sophienholm 2015. solo Denmark Ceramics Museum Clay 2016. Ann Linnemann Galleri 2011,10,08. Puls Contemporary Ceramics, Belgium 2010, SOFA Chicago 2005. Gallery Nørby 1999, Charlottenborg 1975. Concorso Internazionale della Ceramica, Faenza, gold winner 1975, 1967. WALL DECORATION Sølvgade 1993 Vesterbrogade, Copenhagen 1978. FOUNTAIN Store Torv, Holstebro 1986. GRANTS Danish Arts Foundation, Danmarks Nationalbank's Anniversary Foundation, Ole Haslund Artist Award and many others.

- Ming, Morris, Phone app, 2016
Earthenware, marbeled, brush painted
STEPHEN BOWERS (b. 1953, AU) lives and works in Australia. He brings together in his painted ceramic vessels many of the traditions from the history of ceramics. In any one piece, one might find traces of many familiar styles and decorations. While maintaining a respect for the master techniques, Stephen Bowers' flamboyant and exuberant ceramics combine a classical ceramic heritage with inspiration from indigenous sources and are spiced with dashes of wit. His work is distinguished by intricately painted underglazes which "wear its expertise lightly. He is acknowledged for his detailed pieces, exhibiting in the USA, UK and Australia.

Hand thrown, altered, glazed

Ceramic concrete, glaze
30 x 30 x 30 cm
The cube is moulded in ceramic concrete and the expression is from the inside. It is a bodily cube, as the appearance of my fingers, skin, fist appears clearly. Therefore the title is "inside out".
SØREN THYGESEN (b. 1961, DK) graduated from Kolding Design School 1987. Own studio since 1987. Employed by Kähler Ceramics, Næstved 1996-00 designer for Kähler 2007. Associated Tommerup Ceramic Workshop since 2000. EXHIBITIONS Biennale of Craft and Design 2017,16,15. Ann Linnemann Gallery 2013. Morsø Art Association 2009. Politiken Talent Award 2008. Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2008,05,04,03. Autumn Art Exhibition 2006 05. Gallery Nørby 2005. Funen Art SAK 2004. Danish Ceramics Triennial, Trapholt 1994. GRANTS & AWARDS 1st prize Biennial for Craft and Design 2016, Danish Ceramics Triennial Trapholt; Danish Arts Foundation; Ole and Yelva Nimbs Honorary Award; Ole Haslund's Artist Award; Krøjer's Foundation.

24 x 15 cm
Mixed clays, aged feet.
The work has aged, recycled clay, coffee dregs and lava sand. The archetypes of which convey the idea of nature, embrace.
Born 1960, DK - www.trinebach.dk

Modelled stoneware, glaze
Universal elements as water, earth and fire are translated to the main ceramic elements glaze, clay and firing.
Born 1937, DK - www.ursulamunchpetersen.dk

Plywood model - slip cast earthenware
H. 20–27 cm
Computer animated vases appear as sketches and unpolished vases in an innovative expression - working towards a complete design.
Born 1967, DK - www.vibekerytter.dk