KulturLandskab – Culture Landscape
Ole Akhøj & Ann Linnemann
Ann Linnemann Gallery October 1 - November 21 2009
Photographer Ole Akhøj & ceramic artist Ann Linnemann show photographs and ‘image vases’ with references to Culture and Landscape.
For this exhibition Ole Akhøj & Ann Linnemann have worked with their personal perception of how humans meet the open space, the landscape.
Nature and the human-made are tied closely together in these new images of time described in shape and surface.
In each of their own media the exhibitors express how different cultures deliberately and unconsiously form different kinds of landscapes. This may be an arranged ‘planted’ landscape, a complex human made such as buildings, a sports arena, an industrial complex, a farmland... or decorative elements reflecting on historcal times melted together with the peculiarity of the land.
Ole Akhøj shows records of landscapes that in varied extents are marked by the human desire to subdue Nature.
The exhibited works are digital photos shown as ink-prints on paper. The motifs are from Kalmykia, Russia and Denmark. Ole Akhøj mainly works with design and architectural photography. His photographs are exhibited in the artists association, Riimfaxe. www.oleakhoej.dk
Ann Linnemann shows sculptured vase forms, hand-thrown in porcelain and painted with ash glazes and ceramic pastels. The sculptures contain elements of the human form, movement and body language reflecting a fascination with different cultures. This exhibition presents new experiments with image-vases inspired by Danish, Australian, Chinese and South American cultures and landscapes. Biography Sculptural form