Exhibition 20 August - 19 September 2015
Urban space - architecture in a ceramic art installation
The exhibition leads the viewer from the city planner's recording and drawing of random architecture in urban areas, diagrams and transformation of ideas into an installation of new ceramic pieces, where Graffiti and Street Art are important sources of inspiration.
The project provides insight into the processes of architects in ceramic materials.

Urban structure in the concept of gentrification is a term for socio-cultural transformation that is taking place in areas where street art and graffiti have inspired architects and planners.
The computer animated pieces are technically made from a 2D-drawing program converted into ceramic 3D-models and digital (pixel-) photos/drawings are applied via ceramic transfer and fired into the surface.

Vibeke Rytter's core area is clearly defined by her interest in architecture, design, photography and material, also due to interdisciplinary education and many journeys have given her the desire to develop processes crucial to the finished pieces' expression.
Vibeke Rytter graduated from the Danish Design School, ceramics & glass 1986-90 and the Royal Danish School of Architecture in Copenhagen 1997-04.
In 2001-02 she was a guest student at the Academy of Fine Art by Professor Morten Stræde, - and from 2011 conducting a research project 'Glazed Lightweight-Construction Components' at the Danish School of Architecture and the Technology Institute.
She has received several travel and work-grants from the Danish Arts Foundation, Beckett Foundation and National Bank Jubilee Fund. She has travelled and studied in the United States, Cuba, Russia, Greenland, Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, Italy, Tanzania ... - and participated in several exhibitions in Denmark and abroad.
Danish National Arts Foundation Project Award - Gallery 2015
Danish National Bank's Jubilee Foundation - Gallery 2015

by Vibeke Rytter - www.vibekerytter.dk
”SUBCULTURE spontaneous signatures are just fluid and always moving on, and can therefore act as sniffer dogs running ahead to 'sniff out' development potentials and as a voice and character from the street. They have an ability to chalk up the stage for the further development and creation of identity in a neighbourhood or area.
Graffiti is tied to the urban space, its surfaces, walls and exposure opportunities and is in constant motion due to layer and paint that form an interaction between space-creating and spatially resolving elements. - It’s a reserve, waiting to be involved in the system; a vacuum value. -
URBAN GENTRIFICATION can change the culturally diverse nature of a society to a more economically homogeneous community.
I have zoomed in and analysed parts of urban areas where Klondike structures and graffiti have left their mark, for example in Copenhagen and Berlin, I looked closely at their existence and formed my own interpretation.
I want through my expression to mark a kind of sampling/modelling across various circles of society – show cultural diversity, many world views and ways of living.
MY WORKING METHOD is in four layers: room/architecture, reflection, context and process. I establish a function between space and material, while leaving a trail. I build it up and leave something behind in order to visualize the construction’s structure through stacking, bending, fusing, covering, hollowing out, etc. I build up, break down and recycle in order to go in new directions. The reverse side and front side circle in my mind to understand the thing’s creation and problems.
MY INTENTION is to get the material to be part of the story where the mode of expression is free and dispersed to open up to the outside world, while giving substance and content.
I WORK IN THE AREA BETWEEN SPACE AND OBJECT - from 2D drawings to 3D model representations in clay slaps that are fired several times and finally combined with images in the form of ceramic transfers and fired.
I have experimented with 3D computer drawings followed by CNC milling.”

Born 1967 in Roskilde, Denmark
Lives and works in Copenhagen and Lejre Denmark
2011.. Predoctoral Research “Glazed lightweight building components”
1997-04 Royal Academy School of Architecture - Copenhagen
2001-02 Academy of Visual Arts, visiting students w. Prof. M. Stræde.
1986-90 The Danish School of Design / Ceramics & Glass.
1985-86 Studio drawing at the Glyptotek w. Askov Jensen
2015 Uban Gentrificering - solo Ann Linnemann Gallery
2015 Herning art messen 2015
2014 Form Language - Ann Linnemann Gallery
2014 International Biennale Vallauris
2013 Biennalen Rundetårn
2012 Den Frie Exhibition Building
2010 Gallery Gl. Lejre
2006 Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition (Ceramic installation)
2006 Cross Over
2004 250 years – Tradition’s Potentials (Traditionens Potentialer)
2004 Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition (architecture)
2002 Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition (sculpture)
2002 Sculptfiction Pakhuset
2002 The Royal Danish Academy School of Visual Arts
1997 Vejen Art Museum
1997 Tactus – How do we eat (Hvordan spiser vi)
1997 Sofienholm Danish Ceramics 1850 – 1997
1996 Gallery Vromans, Amsterdam
1995 Sofieholm Danish Design Today (Dansk Design Aktuelt),
1995 The ceramic room – bathroom, Gallery Nørby
1994 Marienlyst Slot Kanden
1994 Danish Ceramics Triennale, Trapholt Art Museum
1993 Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition
1991 Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition
1990 Rundetårn
1990 Gallery Sct. Agnes, Roskilde
1990 Philosopher passage, Odense
1990 Artists’ Autumn Exhibition, etc.
2008 Kubik artist group w. L. Desmentik sculpture in Nørrebro
1989 Sculpture /Installation at Roskilde Festival
1995 Universal Jug sold to Designmuseum Copenhagen, Denmark.
2014 Merchant L.F. Foght’s Foundation
2013 Aase and Ejnar Danielsen’s Foundation
2011 Becket Foundation
2007 National Bank Jubilee Foundation work grant
2006 National Bank Jubilee Foundation work grant
2005 National Bank Jubilee Foundation work grant
2004 National Bank Jubilee Foundation work grant
1996 Danish Arts Foundation work grant
1995 Universal Kande (Jug) sold to Designmuseum Danmark
1994 National Bank Jubilee Foundation work grant
Teapot competition at Kahler – 2nd prize
1993 National Bank Jubilee Foundation work grant
Thomas B. Thrige’s foundation
Artisan Prize bronze
1991 National Bank Jubilee Foundation work grant
2014 Morocco
2012 USA
2010 Africa Tanzania
2009 Russia
2007 Greenland
2007 Cuba
2008 New York
2006 Faroe Islands
2004 Toscana
2000 Study Holland Mvrdv, Vest 8, OMA
1999 Study trip by Le Corbusier
1997 Iceland
1998 Study trip Berlin, Rome, Barcelona, Turkey, etc.
1990 France Aix en Provence 3 month’s works with ceramics
2013-15 Research project Glazed lightweight building components in collaboration with the
Danish Technology Institute. Grants - National Research and Innovation Agency
2008- Studio freelance architect
2008- Teaching/presentations
2011 Architecture at Arken w. Queen Margrethe exhibition “Colour of the Soul” “color soul”
2011 DR Radio TV Drama, Set Design Assistant on the TV series Borgen
2009 Participated in the architectural competition “Creative family homes”, Musicon Roskilde
2009 Architecture Photographer
2004-08 Freelance architect at Boligernes knowledge centre – BOLIUS own company
2005 Participated in an architectural competition in Trondheim Mindelunden DK
2005 Project for Stelton
2004 Project for Citrix Systems municipal merger, IT company.
2001 Work experience at Søren Robert Lund’s Drawing Office, as well as Tivoli
1995 Adviser for students at the Academy of Fine Arts laboratory of ceramics
1994 Design assignment for Roskilde Technical College
LejreVisual Arts – with the Board / Vice President
Member of BKF
2006 No. 10 Interview by Charlotte Jul, Kunstuff “Set the method and message free”
(Kunstuff “Set the method and the message”
2006 Art Panorama (Kunstpanorama)
2002 Danish Art (Dansk Kunst)
1997 The animal in clay (Dyret i Leret), Vejen Art Museum
1995 Danish Design Today (Dansk Design Aktuelt)
1995 Story of a Bathroom (En Badeværelseshistorie)
1994 The Danish Ceramics Triennale (Den Danske Keramiktriennalen)
1994 The Ceramic Jug (Den Keramiske Kande)