Per Ahlmann DK

Colby Parsons USA
Exhibitions 29 October - 28 November 2015
(SEMIOTIC by Parsons continues till Feb 2016)
Danish and American contemporary ceramic art..
Per Ahlmann and Colby Parsons show ceramic sculpture and video on clay.
The Gallery opens a new exhibition space to present two concurrent artists working in opposite directions of contemporary ceramic art.

Form variations, often with references to the unreal, are linked to nature-like and bodily elements in contrast to industrial.
For the exhibition HETERO, new formal positions are explored by connecting different parts in an understated sensual-erotic narrative.

A strong sense of materiality is enhanced by his choice of actual articles, personal objects from everyday life - shoes, glasses, watch, knife..
The projected video is a collage of stills and moving imagery depicting things and phenomena associated with the physical forms.
Artist talk C.Parsons - Saturday 31 October
HETERO - by Per Ahlmann DK - www.perahlmann.dk
"The word HETERO derives from Greek and translates to deviation, contrast and diversity.

As a tribute to the variation, I have for my new sculptures, particularly focused on these concepts.

I search for new formal ways to be used in a sculptural positioning of different elements for the purpose of an understated but sensuous-erotic narration."

Danish National Art Foundation - 2012: ”Per Ahlmann insists not only on the object as creating meaning - but on ceramics as a workable modern means of expression. On the modelled sculpture's autonomy and craft's usability.

He is a rare, colourful and valuable bird in today's sculpture forest."
SEMIOTIC & MATERIALITY - Colby Parsons USA - www.colbyparsonsart.com
Colby Parsons is a sculptor and ceramics professor living in Denton, Texas, where he runs the ceramics program at Texas Woman's University.
Colby's work has been shown in a variety of places including the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art in California, The International Ceramic Research Center in Denmark, the University of Pennsylvania Art Museum, and in Dallas at the Craighead Green Gallery, the Pawn Gallery, and 500X. He also created a site-specific installation for the 2010 Taiwanese Ceramic Biennial at the Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum.
Recently he received the Zanesville Contemporary Ceramics Award (1.prize 20.000 USD). The Danish National Arts Foundation funds the travels and transport of this exhibition - please also see Parsons' biography – below
SEMIOTIC SERIES 2015 – by Colby Parsons

This group of work features small vignettes or still lifes based on actual objects or groups of things I come across in my daily life - teapot, camera, knife, shoe..

The projected video is a collage of found and collected still and moving imagery showing either depictions of the rendered objects, or things and phenomena connected to them by association.

These are meant as explicit renderings of the way we understand physical reality - in particular the way any object we encounter is understood in reference to past experiences.

The source images and videos are mainly collected from internet sources, and so to some extent they also represent a kind of collective unconscious representation of some of the subject matter, although even so it is always

filtered through my own selection process, so it probably says more about my own associative thinking than it does about pop culture.
Bedroom Floor [video] www.colbyparsonsart.com/bedroom-f

(previous work)
This group of work represents an exploration of the distortion and textural qualities of video projection in intersection with clay - particularly clay forms with a strong sense of materiality.
The forms are developed around the limiting factor that each piece will be paired with a single data projector, and therefore the projection area must be shaped so that light can reach it from a single point. The forms are also limited by the intention to have the projection hit the surface at different angles, causing distortions to the pixel grid.
I consider the pattern of pixels inherent to the projection process to be analogous to a kind of "materiality", in the sense that any medium has fundamental qualities that can either be hidden (considered as flaws), or celebrated and exploited as a kind of aesthetic of authenticity.

Landscape #1 [video] www.colbyparsonsart.com/landscape-1-videonew-page
Other video projections by Colby Parsons:
Declivity - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgJJMGwqqaw
Multifacet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD49OeMdP3w
Landscape #1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRkfNknebLw
Landscape #2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aKwxdd3f5g
Peak #1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlDBVgTGX6w
Materiality of Light (#3) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL_yyBEUsX0
Materiality of Light #7 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHeXD4386C4
Materiality of Light (#8) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyduuu_DxSc
Bedroom Floor - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfefPUY1zwk
Box of lightbulbs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9C0lb3rghg
Four steaks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjToBjUtNe8
Thanks for the funding for international transport & exhibitions in 2015:
Danish National Arts Foundation and Denmark's National Bank Art Foundation
PER AHLMANN - b. 1965, Lemvig, Denmark
(previous work)

EDUCATION - Institute for Unique, Design School - Kolding, Denmark 1995
SOLO EXHIBITIONS - Jens Nielsen & Olivia Holm-Møller Museum, Holstebro 2015 - “Scalp” KANT, Copenhagen 2014 - “Checkpoint” Copenhagen Ceramics 2013 - Galleri Pagter, Kolding – m. Cai-Ulrich von Platen 2012 - “Emergens” Denmark Ceramic Museum Grimmerhus 2009 - “Lir og løgne” Gallery KANT, Fanø 2008 - Gallery Nørby, Copenhagen 2006
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS - Contemporary Ceramic Creation, Camard & Associés, Paris 2010,09 - “Biennial International Vallauries” France 2008 - COLLECT international art fair for contemporary objects, London 2007 - Puls Gallery, Contemporary International Ceramics, Brussels 2007 - SOFA Sculpture Objects & Functional Art Chicago 2006
SELECTED EXHIBITIONS - Shared Room, Art Weekend Aarhus 2015, Galleri Profilen 2015 - “Unik keramik,” Køge Art Association 2014 - ”Keramikkens mangfoldighed,” Randers Art Association 2013 - “Med leret som gidsel,” Vestjylland Art Pavilion, Videbæk - “Fra sans til samling 2012” “Biennalen 2011” Denmark Ceramic Museum – Grimmerhus - “På Tværs” Ny Tap, New Carlsberg city, 2010 – Påskeudstillingen Tistrup 2010 - “SUMMERTIME 09,” Gallery Christoffer Egelund - Biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design, Trapholt Museum 2007 - “Everything is Flux,” Drud & Køppe Gallery, Copenhagen 2007 - “Five Artists – and Ceramic,” Bendixen Contemporary Art, Copenhagen – Artist's Autumn Exhibition, Den Frie 2003
Artist's Easter Exhibition, Århus 2002,03
GRANTS AND AWARDS - Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs’ Award, Beckett-Fonden, Denmark's National Bank Art Foundation, Dalhoff Larsens Foundation, Grosserer L. F. Foghts Foundation, Ole Haslunds Artist Award 2014, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Foundation, Danish National Arts Foundation 3.year stipend 2011, stipend 09,05, Jyllandsposten Foundation, Tuborg Foundation
COLLECTIONS - New Carlsberg Foundation, National Danish Arts Foundation, Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs Collection, Erik Veistrup Collection, Design Museum Denmark, Sjællands Ceramic Museum, Mc Manus Galleries Scotland

Ceramics, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL MFA 1998
Interdisciplinary Studies, Miami University, Oxford, OH Bph 1991
2014 Semiotic, solo, Pittsburg State University Art Museum, Ft. Worth Art Center, Pittsburg, KS - Convergence, solo show, Living Arts, Tulsa, OK - Mute, group show, Circuit 12 Gallery, Dallas, TX - Semiotic, solo show, Brookhaven Community College, Dallas, TX
2013 Semiotic, solo show, Ft. Worth Community Art Center, Ft. Worth, TX - New Directions, group show, Lacoste Gallery, Concord MA - Yesterday's Tomorrow, group show, Spring Street Studios, Houston, TX - Attachments 15, group show, The Ceramic Store, Houston, TX - The Unbearable Lightness of Ceramics, group show, M Squared Gallery, Houston, TX - From Yellow Clay to Black Gumbo: Earth Movers, group show, Winter St. Studios, Houston TX - Pollock Gallery, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
2012 San Angelo National Ceramic Show, group, San Angelo Fine Arts Museum, San Angelo, TX - Cameo Show, group show, 18 Hands Gallery, Houston, TX - Spring Show, group, Lake View Gallery, Tarrant County College NW, Ft. Worth, TX
2011 Simulated Migrations, a video and ceramic installation installed during the national NCECA conference, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, FL - Six Pack, group show, Live Oak Art Center, Columbus, TX
2015 Zanesville Contemporary Ceramics AWARD (20.000 USD).
National Danish Arts Foundation supports travels and transport of exhibition 2015