Anne Fløche DK
Exhibition 7 may - 27 June 2015
Scattered phrases - 1100º Celsius - the World's geography and space.
Anne Fløche works with ways of relating to life and understanding of the world.
The pieces come out of her experiences, memories and the process itself.
She always works deeply personal and concentrates on a current basic idea, connects with the project and becomes one with the process of development.
ANNE FLØCHE "For this exhibition, I have worked with words and texts, phrasal-memories, fragmentary quotes from books, television, internet, newspapers..


- They are open statements that have been hanging in the air - simple, but enormously complex. - They are aesthetically beautiful words and sentences with significance, for example (translated from Danish): Continental Shelf/ Mariana Trench is the World's deepest point/ Space is full of time/ The sound of light sets ashore/ The Moon has power over the sea..
The language, in which I deliver things, is found in the material and process.
The material is a subordinate instance that is familiarly based on years of experience, where the pieces almost happen by themselves, like when the hand knows its writing tool.
The subject revolves around geography, time and space.
Can the sentences be read without the materiality of the artworks or do the words, mood and physical form combine mysteriously into a linguistic universe - a new form of geographical sensuality?
Titles and words leap out in the study of the World as a spatial property, where the pieces reflect on the detached sentences and express an atmosphere, the words continue in their own ambiguity - and clarity.

ELEVEN-HUNDRED DEGREES CELSIUS – Plates and stems fired at 1100ºC

PUBLIC COLLECTIONS Danish National Art Foundation, National Art Foundation Sweden, Design Museum Denmark, NY Carlsberg Foundation, Trapholt Art Museum, Denmark's International Ceramic Museum – Grimmerhus, Ulster Museum of Fine Arts, Sieg Collection – Pennsylvania, Scandinavian Embassy – Berlin..
AWARDS Ole Haslunds Arist Grant, Denmark's National Bank's Anniversary Fund, Danish National Art Foundation, Beckett-Foundation, Højgaard's Foundation..
RESIDENCY AWARDS Danish National Studios for Arts and Crafts- Gl.Dok Architecture Centre DK 2004,07, The Danish Institute in Damascus 2006, San Bao International Ceramics Centre - China 2009..
ANNE FLØCHE by David Whiting - Exhibition at Galerie Besson, London 2000
"Anne Fløche's work has a particular quality of movement. Her pots, mainly big dishes, bowls and bottles, are beautifully drawn, a freely expressive hand seen in bold and broad definition of form, depth and texture of glaze and an economic brush.
These crawling pigments and lyrically abstracted motifs (such as coastal wading birds, fish and blossom trees) enrich the poetic charge of these pots and reveal a sensitive, gently humorous eye for the shapes and characters of the natural world.
Her inspiration is markedly Eastern, but these objects relate as well to the ceramic history of Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, Turkey and Morocco. The result though is highly individual, a pottery of floating images - breezy evocations of time and place."

See the exhibition -> LINK

Kunstavisen - Exhibition, Danish Ceramic Art Museum 2008
In her works, which appear almost exhausted matte, dusty colours of ochre, grey, Italian-red and delicate-blue meet with black and white.
The rectangle and ellipse (and the cube, circle, square) are recurring figures.
The items are caskets, dishes, vessels, columns, tiles and edged bottles, all items that have been used for millennia. But her artistic use of those shapes is her very own. In many of the pieces appear symbols, lines and ornaments, also often scars and desired swath. Yes, some of her ceramic plates are characterized by fragments that were broken or ripped out of a larger whole.

Quite wayward, wry and poignant telling the whole story. Both the large, old world chronicle, but also about life here and now and on meetings between known and unknown, it may take one up to a higher level. As she makes beautifully evident.
Educated at The Jutland Art Academy 1973-78.
Hu Gallery - Nagoya Japan 2015
Ann Linnemann Gallery (solo) - Copenhagen DK 2009,15
Lacoste Gallery - Boston USA 2014
Oxford Ceramics Gallery - England 2014
Nicolaj Art and Design - Kolding DK 2014
Galleri Pagter - Kolding DK 2005,14
Modern Masters - Munich Germany 2013
Galleri Profilen - Aarhus DK 2013
Galleri 5 - Funen DK 2012
Gunillaberg Sculpture Park - Sweden 2012
Anita Besson - La Borne France 2012
Johs. Larsen Museum – Kerteminde DK 2011
Galerie Besson - London UK 2000,10
Vestsjælland Ceramic Museum - Roskilde DK 2001,10
Sofa Chicago/ Snyderman galleries - Philadelphia USA 2009
Denmark's Museum of Ceramic Art (solo) DK 2008
Silkeborg Bath - DK 2007
Sophienholm Exhibition DK 2007
Collect Victoria & Albert Museum - London UK 2006
Gallery Kaolin (solo) - Stockholm Sweden 2006
Gallery Hilde Holstein - Bremen Germany 2006
Danish Culture Institute - Damascus 2006
Gallery Nørby (solo) - Copenhagen DK 2003,04,06
Carlin Gallery - Paris France 2005
Joanna Bird Gallery - London UK 2005
Galleri Åhuset - Køge DK 2005
Galerie Ortilles-Fourcat - Paris France 2002
Sigtuna Museum - Sweden 2001
Danish National Art Foundation, Swedish National Art Foundation, Design Museum Denmark, Denmark's Museum of Ceramic Art - Grimmerhus, New Carlsberg, Trapholt Art Museum..
Ulster Museum of Fine Arts, Sieg Collection – Pennsylvania, Scandinavian Embassy – Berlin..
Ole Haslund's Artist Award, Denmark's National Bank Anniversary Foundation, Danish National Art Foundation, Beckett-Foundation, Højgaard's Foundation..
San Bao International Ceramic Centre, Jingdezchen China 2009 - Danish National Studios for Arts and Crafts, Gl.Dok Architecture Centre DK 2004,07 - Danish Culture Institute in Damaskus 2006..