Exhibition at Helen Stephens Gallery - All Hand Made Gallery, Sydney
Workshops in Canberra, Adelaide and Perth

School of Art, ANU College of Arts, Canberra
Identity & originality
Inspiration & collaboration
Throwing & altering technique
How do you develop your personal language of form?
How do you find form ideas that relate to yourself?
How do you use inspirational ideas and make them yours?
Describe a personal, private story, mood or feeling in a wheel thrown ceramic form
Make a piece that shows a personal story that relates to your identity, personality or mood.
Combine form elements, that attracts you, with elements of form that you find non-attractive/ugly.
Make a piece that combines and presents those opposite sides of your personality.
Wheel throwing and alteration of the form without using tools, cutting into the form, changing the surface of the basic thrown form.
Make wheel-throw basic forms (bowl, cylinder and round closed form) and use the qualities of the thrown form as a canvas for ideas.
The Teapot Workshop at JamFactory, Adelaide – Feb 21 & 22, 2009
Ceramics Studio of JamFactory will run an intensive two-day workshop where leading artists demonstrate skills and techniques needed in making teapots. Demonstrating artists include Bruce Nuske on hand-building the teapot, Robin Best on casting teapots and Stephen Bowers on decorating. They will be joined by special guest artist Ann Linneman from Denmark, who will be constructing a wheel-thrown teapot.
This workshop is an initiative of Uni SA and the Ceramics Studio of JamFactory.
To enrol please enquire at the JamFactory retail counter or Telephone 8410 0727 or email robin.best@jamfactory.com.au
Ann Linneman workshop at SODA, Fremantle
Saturday 28th of February 2009 at SODA studio’s 1/98 Stirling Hwy North Fremantle 6159.
Ann Linnemann presents a one-day demonstration workshop that explores elements of her own ceramic practice and an evening lecture about her own career and ceramics in Denmark.