Gunhild Aaberg DK
13 June - 27 July 2013
Photo: Ole Akhøj
& Ann Linnemann
From Coast to Coast.. Ceramics inspired by the sea and harbour architecture.

The piece's origin, the container and vessel volume with echoes of shoulder and torso, reminisces in her new work rather towards spherical carriers of relics.. - Or do they hold the secrets of the future?

Gunhild Aaberg grew up in a seafaring family and sailed in Europe from port to port with her family's coaster, and has ever since been fascinated by the sea and harbour environments. www.gunhildaaberg.dk


Currently, Gunhild's work is particularly inspired by the harbour's industrial buildings, the often brutal and fascinating rough architectural bodies.

They are strong architectural pieces, which intimate proximity and personal history affect both the viewer and the space around them.

The ceramic pieces are hand-modelled and treated with impressing and incising tools. Hereafter the surface is painted with clay of different structural and tactile character.

Finally comes the influence of reduction firing in a gas-kiln.
Gunhild Aaberg is one of Denmark's renowned ceramic artists with exhibitions in Denmark and Internationally.
She graduated in 1964 from the Danish Academy Design School /School of Applied Arts in Copenhagen. The same year she founded together with Jane Reumert and Beate Andersen the Strandstraede Ceramics, where she continuously makes her ceramic works and commission projects.

Gunhild has worked as designer for Danish Design Ltd. and freelance for the Royal Danish Porcelain Factory. She has been an external examiner at the Danish Design School in Copenhagen and Kolding School of Design, as well as visiting lecturer at the Danish Design School and the Royal Danish Academy of Art.

Previous work
Photo: Ole Akhøj
Gunhild Aaberg has exhibited solo and participated in several exhibitions in Denmark and Internationally. (See C.V. below)
She is represented in the collections of Stockholm National Museum, Staatliche Gallery Moritzburg in Germany, Royal House of Norway, World Ceramics Museum in Korea, Stockholm National Museum, the National Art Gallery in Tirana, Albania, Palmer Museum of Art in Pennsylvania, The Danish House in Rome, The New Carlsberg Foundation, The Danish Arts Foundation and The Design Museum Denmark...
Gunhild Aaberg has received several grants and awards including The Danish Arts Foundation's 3-Year Scholarship and Lifelong Artist Award.
Photo: Sigge Aaberg DK

Gunhild Aaberg: “I was born and raised on a harbour into an old seafaring family. Sailing on my mother’s coaster, I have seen many different harbours in Europe. I have always been fascinated with harbours and the mysterious things one can find there; and by the harbours’ industrial buildings with their often brutal and fascinating architectural bodies.
I have a fondness for the marginalised areas that have not yet fallen prey to gentrification. They serve as inspiration for my ceramic works. These are hand-worked and subsequently treated with impressing and incising tools. The pieces are then treated with slips of varying tactility.
The final element is the touch of fire, with the ceramics being fired in a reduced atmosphere in a gas kiln at 1300 degrees Celsius.”
Grateful thanks to the Danish National Bank Anniversary Foundation of 1968 for the generous support of this year's exhibition program!
Palmer Museum of Art, Pennsylvania, USA • Staatliche Gallery Moritzburg, Halle, Germany • The Royal House of Norway • World Ceramic Museum, Icheon, Korea • National Museum, Stockholm, Sweden • National Art Gallery, Tirana, Albania • Ny Carlsberg Fondet, Copenhagen, Denmark • Det Danske Hus i Rom, Roma, Italy • National Arts Foundation, Denmark • Design Museum Denmark, Copenhagen • Röhska Konstslöjdmuseum, Göteborg, Sweden • Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim, Norway • Hässelby Slott, Stockholm, Sweden • Sammlung Dr. Hans Thiemann, Hamburg, Germany • Trapholt Art Musem, Kolding, Denmark • Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany • Grimmerhus Keramikmuseum, Denmark • Ellen og Knud Dahlhof Larsens Fond, Denmark • Hälsingborg Stadsmuseum, Hälsingborg, Sweden
Ann Linnemann Studie Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2013 • Skagen Odde Naturcenter, Skagen, Denmark, 2012 • Flamenska Galleriet, Borås, Sweden, 2009 • Höganäs Museum, Höganäs, Sweden, 2006 • Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1999, 2005 • Carlin Galerie, Paris, France, 2004 • Galleri Pagter, Kolding, Denmark, 2000 • International Contemporary Ceramic Exhibition, Tirana, Albania, 2002 • Earth and Fire, Halle, Germany, 2001 • Nordisk Keramik Trienal, Stockholm, Sweden, 2000 • Seramik Sergile, Izmir, Turkey, 2000 • Det Danske Kulturinstitut, Athen, Greece, 1998 • Galleri Björnen, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998 • Galerie Handwerk, München, Germany, 1998 • Det Danske Kulturinstitut, East Wood, England, 1996 • Galerie Loes & Reiner, Denver, The Netherlands, 1993 • Rosenthal, Hamburg & Roma, Germany & Italy, 1984 • Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim, Norway, 1981 • Design Museum Denmark, Copenhagen, 1977
Keramiske Veje, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2013 • Puls Ceramics, Brussels, Belgium, 2010 • Keramiske Veje, Sophienholm & KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad, Denmark, 2009-2010 • Lacoste Gallery, Concord, USA, 2008 • Sofa Art Fair, New York & Chicago, USA, 2008 • De Nordiske Ambassader, Berlin, Germany, 2004 • Det Danske Hus, Paris, France, 2004 • From the Kilns of Denmark, Paris & Berlin, France & Germany, 2004 • Carlin Galerie, Paris, France, 2003 • Crocker Art Museum, California, USA, 2003 • From the Kilns of Denmark, travelling exhibition, New York, Fitchburg, Sacramento & Racine, USA, 2002-2003 • Keramik aus Dänemark, Galerie Handwerk, München, Germany, 1999 • Det Danske Institut, Athen, Greece, 1998 • Images of Denmark, Accra, Ghana, 1997 • From the Golden Age to the present Day, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1995 • Gallery Besson, London, England, 1995 • Scandinavian Festival of Art, Barbican Centre, London, England, 1992 • Céramique Danoise, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Travelling Exhibition, France, 1983 • Scandinavia Today, Cooper Hewitt, New York, USA, 1982 • Museum of Art, Pennsylvania, USA, 1981 • Museum Flehite, Amersfoort, the Netherlands, 1980 • Galerie am Graben, Wien, Austria, 1977 • Helsingborg Stadsmuseum, Helsingborg, Sweden, 1975 • Hässelby Slott, Stockholm, Sweden, 1975 • Exempla, München, Germany, 1974
The Life Long Artist Grant awarded by the Danish Ministry of Culture • The Danish Arts Foundation’s 3-year Grant • Chr. Grauballe`s Award • The Danish National Art Foundation • The Danish National Bank Anniversary Foundation • The Jork Foundation