Mette Marie Ørsted DK
Exhibition October 31 - November 30, 2013
Abstract visions concreted in a tangible material..
Mette-Marie Ørsted works with geometry, card houses, cultural cities in her Ceramic Concretions, which are as cut out with scissors, out and assembled, clearly grown out from the 2D flat to 3D form.
She explores the architectural space interacting with the ceramic spacious, the raw clay versus the glazed surface, the poetic narrative towards pure geometric form. She refers to cultural experience, urban communities and ways of living - abstracts concreted in a tangible material.

by William Gelius
Mette Marie Ørsted's exceptional sensitivity to clay is known in her sensuous ceramic bowls, pitchers, vases and much more.
Holding her rustic dishes in the hands almost feels like a warm handshake, but it does not imply the absence of formal consideration. And on rare occasions, she engages in pure form experiments, as is the case for this exhibition.

Placed with space between the parts, as it is intended, a labyrinth of mazes of narrow alleys and empty streets occurs, that gives the whole piece a character like a desert-city.
In 2010, for the exhibition 'The world on a plate' at Gammelgaard Culture Centre in Herlev, she created dishes with tin-glazed card houses resting on a plate.
It is of these fantasy cities and imaginary houses that this exhibition of new artworks originates from.
As a novelty, it is a modernist, neo-plasticism or constructivism aesthetic that now exists.
With their right angles they remind us of utopian architectural models, but when it comes to it, they are not models, nor houses. They are spatial structures that only occasionally meet a tight modernist requirement for vertical and horizontal.
Equally often they challenge the logic, structure, balance and harmony by standing upside-down, hanging or sitting at an angle.
The pieces for the exhibition are an exciting formation study, the results of which may well prove to be included in the foundation of Mette Marie's future work - amongst other things, the vases, jugs and dishes.
Photos by Ole Akhøj DK:


Mette Marie Ørsted:
"In the works I have examined the contrast between seemingly random and highly controlled structures. This happened both on an artistic level and in the practical work with the material.
The work is to be shown as if it had partially constructed itself in a dynamic field between self-organized organic and geometric design.

I examine the clay structural tensions: - Can it in the work-flow be compressed or deployed depending on particular techniques and the use of in-blending materials that I have found? "
Grateful thanks to the Danish National Bank Anniversary Foundation of 1968 for the generous support of Ann Linnemann Gallery exhibition program of 2013.
Photos of her earlier works:

Mette Marie Ørsted was educated at the School of Arts&Crafts (now: Danish Academy Design School) 1973-1977.
She has had several solo exhibitions and participated in group and juried exhibitions, including the Biennial for Crafts and Design on Traphøj Art Museum and Kolding Castle in 2007 and The Design Museum Denmark 2002, and received Grants from the Danish Arts Foundation, including a Work Grant in 2011.

Born in 1952
Member of the Danish Arts And Crafts Association
2010- Keramikunderviser på Institut for Blinde- og Svagtseende, Hellerup
1990- Eget værksted, Gammel Kongevej 39 C
1988-1996 Gæstelærer, Danmarks Designskole
1984-1986 Billedskolen, Jagtvej
1973-1977 Skolen for Brugskunst (Danmarks Designskole), Keramik- og Glaslinjen
2010 Mobil Tepotte, Butik for Borddækning, København
2008 Porcelænskander klippet med en saks, Butik for Borddækning, København
2007 Kanden – kan den, Galleri Pagter, Kolding
2005 Kander klippet med en saks, Galleri Nørby, København
2007 Biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design 2007, Trapholt og Koldinghus
2002 Biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design 2002, Kunstindustrimuseet
2013 Mesterværker, Ann Linnemann Galleri, København
2012 Behold, Ann Linnemann Galleri, København
2011 Verden på et Fad, Gammelgaard, Herlev
2010 Tepotter af tiden, Danmarks Keramikmuseum Grimmerhus, Middelfart
2009 Kunstforeningen af 14. august
Sommerudstilling, Ann Linnemann Galleri, København
Clausens Kunsthandel, København
2008 Porcelænskander klippet med en saks, Butik for Borddækning, København
Et tosset teselskab, Butik for Borddækning, København
2007 5 kunstnere, Bispegården, Kalundborg
Func Art, Drud og Køppe Galleri, København
2006 Galleri Kant, Sønderho, Fanø
North meets South, Nordiska Museet, Stockholm
2004 Ceramiques Danoises, Centre de Creation Ceramique de La Borne
2000 Keramik uden fortilfælde, Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik, København
1999 Brugsting i lertøj, Galleri Nørby
1998 Suppeskåle, Galleri Nørby, København
Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik, København
1997 The Contemporary Teapot, Danmarks Keramikmuseum Grimmerhus, Middelfart
1996 Vase, Galleri Nørby, København
Dansk Kunsthåndværk og design, Skt. Petersborg
Duplika, Dansk Arkitektur Center – Gammel Dok, København
2011 Statens Kunstfonds arbejdslegat
2009 Legat fra boet efter Gertrud Vasegård
Bergiafonden og Statens Kunstfonds legat til udstillingen 'Verden på et fad'
2007-2009 Statens Kunstfonds arbejdslegat
2007 Nordea Danmark Fonden
1999-2001 Statens Kunstfonds arbejdslegat
1997 Statens Kunstfonds arbejdslegat
1995 Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond
1994 Den Danske Keramiktriennalepris
Dansk design ved årtusindeskiftet. Christian Ejlers forlag
Ny keramik. Udstillingssted for ny keramik. Rhodos forlag
Kunstmuseet Trapholt, Kolding
Kunstindustrimuseet, København
Statens Kunstfond
Kulturforvaltningen, Kolding
Kunstforeningen af 14. august