Mariko Wada and Ole Vesterlund
Exhibition 1 July – 15 August 2015

See AQUARIUM – a window exhibition July 1-22.. when Summer closed.

Opening reception – Meet the artists..
Thursday 23 July at 16-19.00
Extravagant ceramic pieces caught in between minimal and overly decorated.

An inquiring installation into the meeting of Danish-Japanese minimalism and expressive decoration.
Mariko Wada and Ole Vesterlund challenge each other and the viewer in the exhibition AQUARIUM - a universe where the visitors are taken into deep water with regard to form and expression - the foreign.

- From the 23 July the viewer is invited in to look closely and move around in this particular universe of highly decorated pieces by the Japanese/Danish Mariko Wada and Danish Ole Vesterlund.
Wada and Vesterlund: "..Our exhibition concept is concerned with presenting extravagant pieces caught in the crossroads between minimal and overly decorated.
The exhibition consists of singular pieces that play against each other in the exhibition space, where the placing of the pieces creates a particular universe.
Inspiration for the project includes the Indian form and colour theme, characterized by highly decorative and expressive colour combinations that despite many compound expressions finds its own beauty, balance and extreme refinement.

We were both educated in Denmark and have followed a minimalist form and design tradition.
The challenge for us is to explore the distinctive decorative design in contemporary ceramics and focus on 'decorative forming', which are not particularly known to the Danish audience.

We have used a variety of ceramic materials and techniques.”
Ole Vesterlund (b. 1971) - www.olevesterlund.dk

Ole Vesterlund was educated at the Danish Design School 2008 - University of Copenhagen, History and Arabic 1994-96 - Exhibitions: Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2006 Råhuset - How queer everything is today and the Glasgow School of Art 2006 - Ceramics Museum Grimmerhus 2008 - Nordic Relations Award Residency Guldagergaard 2009 - Copenhagen Ceramics 'Orders' 2012 - Randers Art Association 'Ceramics of Diversity' Museum Jorn 2013 - Palais Ideal in 2014..
Mariko Wada (b. 1972) - www.marikowada.com

Mariko Wada was educated Kolding School of Design Ceramics 2006 - Doshisha University Kyoto Japan Aesthetics and Art Theory BA 1995 - Danish Arts and Crafts Award bronze medal and 56th Premio Faenza, 2nd price International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art, Italy 2009 - Awarded by the Danish Arts Foundation, exhibition, Meditations on a Hobby Horse w_ Group VERSUS 2012 - Artist in residence: Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park in Japan 2011, Sundaymorning@ekwc in the Netherlands 2015 - Grants from the Danish Arts Foundation, Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs Foundation..
AQUARIUM - by Mariko Wada and Ole Vesterlund
"There is a tradition in Japan to prefer simple minimalist design, and it has also been in Denmark, according to functionalism in modern times became the main flow in architecture and design.

The pure form was considered to be the ideal and significant wherein the decorative was somewhat redundant and should preferably be avoided. But this view may be changed in the contemporary aesthetic understanding.

In 2013, Ole Vesterlund and Mariko Wada independently of each other travelled through India. Their discovery of Indian handicrafts and architecture made an impression, whitch both potters are fascinated and preoccupied with.
Indian in relation to Danish-Japanese design and crafts tradition is very foreign and quite distinctive. The Indian form and colour theme is characterized by highly decorative and expressive colour combinations that despite many mixed and compound expressions, finds its own beauty, balance and extreme refinement.
The ceramic pieces by Ole Vesterlund and Mariko Wada originate from a minimalism of form and design tradition.

Mariko Wada's ceramic work is about investigating the relationship between expression and sensation through forming, texture and spaciousness generated in different ceramic contexts.
Both ceramists find great challenges in exploring possibilities of expression in the decorative ceramic form of contemporary ceramics."

Ole Duedal Vesterlund
Born in 1971
2002-2008 Danmarks Designskole
2006 Glasgow School of Art
1994-1996 Københavns Universitet, Historie og Arabisk
2014 “Palais Ideal”, Museum Jorn, Silkeborg
2014 “Unik Keramik”, Køge Kunstforening, Køge
2014 “FormSprog TankeSpind”, Ann Linnemann studie galleri, København
2013 “Keramikkens Mangfoldighed”, Randers Kunstforening, Randers
2013 “1,2,3 Fire”, C4 PROJECTS, København
2012 ”Orders”, Copenhagen Ceramics, København
2011 ”Checking In”, Jantzens Hotel, Gudhjem
2011 ”Helt ude i Skoven”, Designer Zoo, København
2010 ”Clayspace Copenhagen”, Stedsspecifikt projekt, København
2010 ”Nordiske Realtioner”, Skælskør Bibliotek, Skælskør
2010 ”Award Nordic Relations”, Guldagergård
2009 ”Sketch”, Stilleben, København
2009 ”Pretty Pots”, Banko, København
2008 “Afgangsudstilling”, Grimmerhus, Middelfart
2008 “Afgangsudstilling”, Carlsberg; København
2006 “How queer everything is today”, Råhuset, København
2006 ”Forårsudstilling”, Charlottenborg, København
Modtog i 2009 “Nordic Relations Award”, legatophold på Guldagergaard, Internationalt keramisk Center.
Fondation Idella, Ingeniør Kaptajn Aage Nielsens Familiefond, Det Reiersenske Fond, Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fond, Knud Højgaards fond
2013 Århus Stiftidende + Randers Amtsavis, oktober 2013 Alt for Damerne, juni 2012 DR 2 ”Smagsdommerne”, april 2010 Børsen d. 12-10 2010 Magasinet Cover, september 2006 www.kopenhagen.dk, july + september
2011 Vestjyllands Højskole, “Keramik i en nutid praksis”
2011 Assistent. Skulptur i stor målestok, Bjørn Nørgaard, Guldagergård
2010 Assistent. Skulptur i stor målestok, Bente Skjøttgaard, Gråsten Landbrugsskole
INHABITANTS: Medlem af Inhabitants, en udstillingsgruppe bestående af seks keramikere der udstiller kontemporær keramik.

Mariko Wada
Born in 1972, Osaka, Japan - Danish resident since 1998
2006 Afgang, Designskolen Kolding, Afdeling for keramik
1995 Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. Æstetik og kunstteori. BA.
2013 Hemmeligheder. Galleri Pagter, Kolding
2011 Grænseland. Danmarks Keramikmuseum, Middelfart
Room with a view. Institute of Ceramic Studies, Shigaraki Cultural Park, Japan
2009 Terra-Morphologia. Grønbechs Gaard. Bornholm
2008 Terra-Morphologia. Officinet, København
Sensitive You. Embassy of Japan, København
Sensuality and Ceramics. Kaolin, Stockholm, Sverige
2009 European Prize for Applied Arts 2009. Mons, Belgien
9th International Biennal of Ceramics. Museu de Cerámica de Manises, Spanien
56th PREMIO FAENZA, International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art, Italien
Kunsthåndværkerprisen af 1879. Kunstindustrimuseet. København
2008 Taiwan Ceramics Biennale. Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan
2007 3rd Triennial of Trophy Cups. International ceramics exhibition, Kroatien
ICMEA Emerging Artists Competition. FuLe International Ceramic Art Museum, Kina
27th L’Alcora International Ceramic Competition. Ceramic Museum, Spanien
55th PREMIO FAENZA, International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art Italien
Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling. Tistrup
2014 VERSUS – HUN. Officinet, København / Spanien 19C, Århus
VERSUS – Meditations on a Hobby Horse Vol. 3. Galleri Format, Bergen
Formsprog, tankespind. Ann Linnemann studie galleri, København
Til ingen verdens nytte? Officinet, København
2013 VERSUS - Meditations on a Hobby Horse Vol.2 Nicolai Kunst og Design, Kolding
Tangibility. Officinet, København
2012 Ny Nordisk Keramik. Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum, Hjørring
VERSUS - Meditations on a Hobby Horse. 68 Square Meters Art Space, København
2011 Ceramics Now! Parcours ceramique Carougeois. Carouge, Schweiz
Transform. Filmby, Aarhus
2010 På Tværs. NyTap, Ny Carlsberg, København
VERSUS, Nature Morte - Keramik som billede. Munkeruphus, Dronningmølle
Dansk Centralbibliotek for Sydslesvig, Flensburg, Tyskland
2009 Body House. Maison et Objet, Paris, Frankrig
2008 Danish Crafts Collection 12. ICFF, New York, USA / Maison et Objet, Paris
Ler 08. SAK Kunstbygning, Svendborg
2007 Network Europe. Turf gallery, England/ Museum of International Ceramic Art DK
Danish Crafts Collection 11, ICFF, New York, USA/ Ambiente, Frankfurt, Tyskland
2012 Statens Kunstfond. Udstilling Meditations on a Hobby Horse med gruppen VERSUS.
2009 56th. Premio Faenza, 2. præmie. International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art, Italien
Kunsthåndværkerprisen af 1879, bronze medalje
2014,13,12,10 Statens Kunstfond, arbejdslegat – 2011, 08 rejselegat - 2010,09 Danish Crafts
Jens Ejnar & Johanne Larsens Fond til støtte af unge bildende kunstnere
2012,11,10,09,08 Århus Kommunes Kulturudviklingspulje – 2007,08 Kunstnerstipendium
2011, 09, 08, 06 Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968
2011 Knud Højgaards Fond
2009 Annie & Otto Johs. Detlefs' Almennyttige Fond
2004 The Scandinavia – Japan Sasakawa Foundation
2003 Esther and Jep Finks Mindefond for Arkitektur og Kunsthåndværk
2014 Versus, Hun. Katalog
2012 Versus, Meditations on a Hobby Horse. Katalog
2011 Grænseland. Katalog
New Ceramics nr. 1/11 The universal language of clay. Artikel
2010 Versus, Nature Morte - Keramik som billede. Katalog/artikel
2009 Kunstuff nr. 23 Lerets universale sprog. Artikel
2009 9th International Ceramics Biennial of Manises. Katalog
56th Premio Faenza. International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art. Katalog
2008 Ler 08. Katalog
2007 27th. L'Alcora International Ceramic Competition. Katalog
55th. Premio Faenza. International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art. Katalog
2006 Project Network 2006. Katalog
2014 Artist in residence. Sundaymorning@ekwc, Holland
2013 Skulptur/Installations workshop. Godsbanen, Aarhus
2012 Symposium. Scan Ceram, Hjørring
2011 Artist in residence. Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga, Japan
2009 Symposium. International museum of ceramics in Faenza, Italien
2008 Workshop og studieseminar. Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan
2006 "Projekt Netværk" på International Ceramic Research Centre, Skælskør