Ann Linnemann - ARCHIVES LABORATORY - Multi Media collaboration project - Exhibition 2016 - CLICK
Guest artist at The National Art Studios SVFK in Copenhagen 2015
My ceramic design is developed for a hand-thrown studio potter's production.
The pieces are often altered from a round basic model to asymmetric form.
A clear symbiosis between idea, function, form, material and hand-throwing technique is essential for my choice of new ceramic pieces.
I make sculptural pieces embodying elements of humanness, movement and body language, - a simple or complex altering of hand-thrown elements, - the pure form or glazed images suggesting fragments of the human body, life and mind.
My ceramic pieces appear from the thematic ideas, that I research, and reflect my interest in different cultures, art history, humanity, the forms of the body, various personal memories and expressions.
The simple suggestion of a body detail is shown in the naturally soft and white porcelain, while other sculptural pieces are textured, glazed, painted, drawn with references to an idea, a concept, theme, history of culture, political statement, personal memory, landscape, nature experience... - or the nature of ceramic materials, natural phenomena of the clay coloured and accentuated by the ashes and flames of the firing.
The painted piece may relate to a specific theme, research of a story, illusion or vision.
The surfaces are layers of meaning - pattern, traditional, classic or site specific glaze types... 'Looking at the sea through a pine forrest..' ash glazes - 1300C
Porcelain - hand thrown & altered - Human scale 1:1
First edit: 02.01.2015
AROUND DANISH CLAY Bodil Manz DK EXHIBITION 5 February – 20 March 2021
Exhibition of new pieces in earthenware - experimental project by Bodil Manz.
Bodil Manz belongs to the international elite of ceramic artists represented in major museums and private collections worldwide.
Her work is characterized by a continual exploration and experimental activity, that among many other projects have resulted in wall installations, sand-cast porcelain pieces and architectural sculptures.
Bodil Manz has for this exhibition worked with round forms and earthenware that is found in Denmark, and water polished bricks from the beach.
The exhibition is a tribute to the raw and simple values of nature.
All pieces are the same order as the exhibition list - Please email the Gallery
RUNDT OM LERTØJ - Danish text by Bodil Manz.
Efter i årtier at have arbejdet med stentøj og porcelæn af importeret let og råstoffer fra hele verden, har det føltes befriende og interessant for en periode at arbejde med ler hentet fra den nærliggende strand, slemme det for sten og rødder, dreje det op og finde ud af dets plasticitet og egenskaber.
Noget ler er magert, noget mere fedt, men det kan blandes til et godt dreje-og formbart ler.
At arbejde med rødler, blåler og blandinger af disse, foruden begitninger og brænde det lavt ved 1050 grader, føles lidt som at gå tilbage til mit udgangspunkt.
LERBROKKER - foto og fotostat på udstillingen
Er fundet på Røsnæs nordvendte kyst, fra et nedlagt teglværk.
De repræsenterer nærmest hele registret af dansk ler: Rødler og blåler og blandinger af disse. Højtbrændt og lavtbrændt med og uden reduktion.
Mange af brokkerne har ligget og skvulpet i vand i årtier og er utroligt smukke.
BODIL MANZ (b. 1943) was educated at the Arts& Crafts School in 1965. She has travelled and exhibited all over the World from Escula de Disefio y Artesanians, Mexico 1966 and University of California, Berkeley 1967 to Bahrein, China, Japan and Korea. Studio w. Richard Manz (1933-99) later Gustavsberg Porcelain factory 1967 collaborative commissions, National Museum, Bahrein 1987-88 and production of functional ware. Thorvald Bindesbøll Award 2001, Danmarks Nationalbank's Award 2010, Grand Prize, 4th.World Ceramic Biennale 2007, Korea. Member of the Danish exhibition group Ceramic Ways and International Academie de la Ceramique
Grateful thanks to The Danish Art Foundation for Gallery project funding in 2021.
PREVIOUS EXHIBITIONS AND PIECES Project selected for the Danish Biennal for Crafts & Design, 2019
TRACKING THE DANISH CLAY Bodil Manz and Jacob Manz
Copenhagen Ceramics 2012
CUTS AND INTERVENTIONS: Bodil Manz and Bente Skjøttgaard
Previous exhibitions at Ann Linnemann Gallery
MASTERLY - 30 April - 12 June 2020 Bente Hansen, Bodil Manz, Kim Holm, Malene Müllertz, Peder Rasmussen.
See more.. LINK
TIME AND SPACE – Exhibition 3 April – 3 May 2014 solo
See more.. LINK
FRAGILE - Exhibition 1 – 30 June 2012 Bodil Manz, Jane Reumert, Malene Müllertz, Heidi Hentze
See more.. LINK
UDDANNELSE Kunsthåndværkerskolen 1961–65
1966 Berkeley University Art Department, Californien, USA
Eget værksted siden 1967 – sammen med Richard Manz (1933-1999)
Japan 1975, med flere efterfølgende rejser
Bahrain 1986
Syrien, Jordan, Israel 1995
Kina 2004
Oman 2008
‘Facet’ service for Bing og Grøndahl Porcelain Manufactory 1983–1985
Académie Internationale de la Céramique, Genève.
Keramiske Veje, siden 1985
Mino Japan, Gold Medal 1998
Ole Haslund Kunstnerlegat 1978 og 1985
Kunsthåndværkerrådets Årspris 1993
Sølvsmed Kay Bojesen og hustru Erna Bojesens Mindelegat
Brygger Carl Jacobsens Rejselegat, 2000–2002
C.L. Davids Legat, 2000
Thorvald Bindesbøll Medaljen 2001
Bayerischer Staatspreis 2003
Knud V. Engelhardts Mindelegat 2004
Anna Klindt Sørensens 2 årige legat 2001–2002
The 4th World Ceramic Biennial, Korea, Grand Prize
Statens Kunstfonds 3årige Stipendium
Statens Kunstfonds livsvarige Legat
Los Angeles County Museum, USA
Kunstindustrimuseet, Helsinki
Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Montréal, Canada
Neue Pinakothek, München, Germany
Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu, Japan
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
The Houston Museum of Fine Arts, USA
Ny Carlsbergfondet
Seattle Art Museum, USA
Tapei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan
The George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, Toronto, Canada
I am a ceramic artist, potter and designer. In 1983, I completed a traditional four-year Danish apprenticeship in studio pottery at H. A. Kähler, DK. In 1998, I graduated as a ceramic designer from the Denmark Design Academy (now: KADK) in Copenhagen. Important influences in my work are travels and studio residencies in Japan, the USA at Archie Bray Foundation and Arizona State University, Canada at Banff Arts Center, China, Australia, South America, Egypt and Europe. I enjoy teaching and have developed a great interest in promoting ceramic art, collaboration projects and developing international relationships. In 2001-2007, I worked as the director of the International Ceramic Research Center - Guldagergaard in Denmark. In my studio, I design and produce hand-thrown series of functional tableware in porcelain, stoneware and earthenware. I also work with sculptural vessels embodied with elements of the human form and glaze painting. The sculptures reference my fascination with various cultures, the human body and mind. My studio and gallery is located in Copenhagen City. Ann Linnemann Gallery, Kronprinsessegade 51, 1306-K Copenhagen.